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Soul Help
- Allowed command patterns:
- smooch <string> <indirect:any-living>
- smooch <indirect:any-living> <string>
- smooch <indirect:any-living>
- smooch <string>
- Has a no arguments mode.
- Self:
- You make a smoochy face.
- Others:
- Avric makes a smoochy face.
- For the arguments:
- [wet, nice, passionate, soft, careful, fishy, friendly, froggy, luscious, delicious, soppy, sappy, romantic, passionate, dispassionate, lovey-dovey, icky, yucky, messy, mooshy, lush, precious, perfect, prissy, icy, #]
- You make a wet smoochy face.
- Others:
- Avric makes a wet smoochy face.
- Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
- Self:
- You give Womble and Cabbage a big wet smooch on the lips.
- Target:
- Avric gives you a big wet smooch on the lips.
- Others:
- Avric gives Womble and Cabbage a big wet smooch on the lips.
- For the arguments:
- [wet, nice, passionate, soft, careful, fishy, friendly, froggy, luscious, delicious, soppy, sappy, romantic, passionate, dispassionate, lovey-dovey, icky, yucky, messy, mooshy, lush, precious, perfect, prissy, icy, #]
- Self:
- You give Womble and Cabbage a wet smooch on the lips.
- Target:
- Avric gives you a wet smooch on the lips.
- Others:
- Avric gives Womble and Cabbage a wet smooch on the lips.