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Blog Latest, posted on Sun May 24 01:36:19 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: General | You can now view the latest blog on a blog using the 'blog view 'blog' latest'. Keep up to date with the news! |
Cunning, posted on Sat May 23 22:41:02 2009 | Posted by: Dasquian | Category: Mudlib | Your known languages and language skills can now be check with the "languages" command. They didn't quite make it with the rest of the people skills, but fear not - they still work exactly like they did before! |
An Adventure For Other People, posted on Sat May 23 20:12:44 2009 | Posted by: Dasquian | Category: Mudlib | The "other" tree has been split into "people" and "adventuring". This is in order to advance our agenda of making skills better categorized and defined!
The only practical effect of this should be that the points and teaching skills have been cloned, but there will be more to come int he future! |
Colours And Combat Feedback, posted on Fri May 22 17:42:46 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: General | You can now set the colour of the combat feedback messages - it's 'combatfeedback' for a flag, and can be done using the 'colours' command in the normal fashion. You'll need to SU to do it if you're online at the time of this being posted! |
Combat Feedback, posted on Fri May 22 13:06:19 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: General | There's a lot of stuff going on in the combat system that you never get any kind of feedback on. Well, to go along with the modified 'you struggle to hold' message, I've added more feedback throughout the process so you can see some of the things that get taken into account in the process. You switch them on in the same way you switch on the 'struggle to hold' by using 'options combat weapon_warnings'.
Now, some caveats!
1) There's a combat option that has been added to the bug/idea/typo ...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Go On, Give It A Kick!, posted on Wed May 20 14:18:46 2009 | Posted by: Touchstone | Category: Guilds | In order to facilitate proper disposal of any magical doors that may be surplus to requirements, you may now kick them or push them with your staves as an alternative to shoving them. |
We Need More Stats, Stat!, posted on Wed May 20 00:44:59 2009 | Posted by: Dasquian | Category: Mudlib | Picking your rearrange is one of the more permanent and important decisions on the MUD, and requires thinking about a number of factors. A large number of these are how your choice of rearrange will affect important skills. It seems bizarre, therefore, that there is no easy-access information telling you how each skill is mapped to your stats.
Well, now there is. "skills <skill> stats" will tell you the stats composition of each skill, as there is really no reason why this information should...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Celestial Timekeeping, posted on Tue May 19 19:02:58 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: General | Those with a sufficiently high skill in other.direction (I know, but it's the best match we have) can now tell the time... to a degree... by looking at the sun and the moon. The better your skills, the more accurately you can do so. |
Giving Old Buffers A New Lease Of Life, posted on Tue May 19 11:07:44 2009 | Posted by: Touchstone | Category: Guilds | It's been brought to my attention that Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer has been both underused and underuseful for a while now.
Accordingly, I've halved the spell size, slightly more than halved the gp cost (because it scales drastically with more crystals), and increased the floor on the amount of damage it will protect against.
Go wild.
Deputy Deliverer, posted on Mon May 18 22:38:39 2009 | Posted by: Thoreksken | Category: Am (domain pages) | I fixed this lovely little quest hat had apparently been broken for almost 7 years and reactivated it. |
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