Clever Blog Title, posted on Mon Feb 3 22:40:33 2025 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | - Some new shades of black have been added to the willing well (and may show up in other places, too).
- Both versions of the djinn "tabar-shishpar" weapon now have access to the 'stab' special, as was originally intended.
- The tabar-shishpar (and any other non-axe weapons that nevertheless respond to the word "axe") can now be used to chop apart crates in a certain ephebian tunnel network.
- A long-standing bug has been fixed with a certain hidden chest in a certain ephebian tunnel netwo...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
A Flying Visit, posted on Thu Nov 21 23:15:53 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | Just a quick notification about some adjustments to items and spells:
* Djinn flame weapons no longer give off light if the flame colour is some variation of "black".
* To assist with the above, the willing well in the djinn outpost now has a proper help file that shows all its commands and their syntaxes.
* The djinn flying hammer (both versions) was rather weaker than intended and has been adjusted to bring it more inline with other djinn weapons. The weight is now a little lower and the ...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Change Is Looming, posted on Fri Nov 15 20:45:55 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: Guilds | Granny Weatherwax has returned from a brief trip to Powderknife, where she enjoyed a pleasant cup of tea with the town's local witch. The local witch in question just so happened to remember the details of a new spell she has been working on, and of course she was going to let Granny know just as soon as... well yes she absolutely could have popped over to Bad Ass, but it's just that with all the snow and... No of course it wasn't fair of her to make Granny come all the way here at this time of ... Read The Rest Of This Entry |
The Times They Are A Chan-djinn, posted on Tue Nov 5 19:34:01 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: Klatch (domain pages) | The following changes have been made to weapons created by Jassi the Inferno:
- The talisman and culture bonus requirements for ordering and gifting the weapons have been lowered.
- There is no longer a health cost for activating the flame weapons. To compensate for this, the calculations that determine the duration added for each activation has been adjusted to prevent players from infinitely extending the flaming function.
- There is no longer a skillcheck to activate the flaming effect o...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Worth The Weight, posted on Tue Oct 22 23:16:22 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | A few fixes and adjustments have been made since the launch of the new Hedge Wizards' area in Skund Forest. Depending if/when you visited, you may not have experienced the 'before' version of these changes, but for the sake of those early birds who ran into a few oddities, here are the most relevant changes:
Skund Hedge Wizard Outpost:
- The teleport circle on the lower floor now transports your followers when you use it to move
- The misty archways inside the giant tree are better at kee...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Hedge Fun Management, posted on Fri Oct 18 09:31:50 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: Guilds | The hedge wizards of Skund Forest have been hard at work over the last few months and have finally finished renovating their dilapidated gathering point northeast of Pekan Ford.
Some disparate pieces of knowledge have been gathered into one place - a rarity for these nomadic sorts, but a boon for wizardry as a whole. Some of the more enterprising types have also taken the opportunity to set up shop in what they hope will become something of a hub for like-minded spellcasters.
All are welcome t...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Why Is This Loon Still Blogging About Parrying?, posted on Fri Feb 23 15:04:35 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | In addition to the adjustments that were discussed in previous blog posts, an additional, separate issue was found that related to parrying some ranged attacks (particularly those involving smaller projectiles).
An additional (and hopefully final) change has now been made that should make a far more noticeable difference to parry users defending against small projectiles. This change should mean that your choice of "tactics response" should always be used when defending against ranged attac...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Parrying What Life Throws At You Pt. II, posted on Thu Feb 22 13:56:17 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | I've now made a further adjustment to the weighting of ranged attacks vs parrying defence, as mentioned in the original post on this topic. Again, please submit a bug report if you witness any behaviour you think constitutes a bug or unintended outcome of this change.
I would also like to clarify that this change does *not* affect inhumation attempts in any way. There is separate code that handles those compared to normal ranged attacks.
Have fun!
Kadath |
Parrying What Life Throws At You, posted on Wed Feb 7 15:03:54 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | An issue has been identified that made it extremely difficult for anyone using the 'parry' response to defend against the majority of ranged attacks (anything using the thrown/fired skills).
This will have had a significant impact on players who rely on parry in places like the smuggler caves and copperhead mines with aggressive NPCs who like to throw things. It will, however, have been advantageous for players using ranged attacks against parry-using NPCs as well.
The modifier that favoured...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
A Rambling List Of Ramtops Fixes, posted on Wed Feb 7 14:05:36 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: Ram (domain pages) | This month, your intrepid creators have taken on the perilous terrain of the Ramtops to bring you a list of fixed bugs, implemented ideas and miscellaneous maintenance:
* Furry earmuffs from Stephan in Mad Wolf will now fit under both helmets and hats.
* Hessian sacks are now treated as "flexible" while empty, meaning you can put them inside smaller containers as long as they don't contain things themeselves.
* Non-piercing ranged weapons, such as thrown boulders, will now end up on t...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
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