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Discworld Command Help



guard - Guard an exit to prevent someone from leaving.


guard <exit> [from|against] <individual or group>
guard stop


This command allows a warrior to restrict who can use a particular exit in a room he or she is currently in. More than one person may guard an exit, but no single person may guard more than one. Exits may be guarded based on name, race, gender or from everyone. You can stop guarding an exit with guard stop and must do this before trying to guard another exit.

Note that while you can guard an exit against specific players, you cannot guard an exit against specific NPCs (e.g. "troll 2") but only against types of NPCs (e.g. "chickens", "young trolls"). Note also that gender-based guarding (e.g. "men") will match male non-human NPCs as well as male human NPCs.

The act of guarding an exit depends on the guard's skill in fighting.defence.blocking. Those trying to escape will get past depending on their skill in fighting.defence.dodging. Guarding an exit will cost twenty-five guild points for every five seconds someone is trying to evade the guard.


> guard
You are not currently guarding an exit.

> guard east from trolls, dwarfs, men, womble
You start guarding the east exit against trolls, dwarfs, men and womble.

> guard east from cohen
You start guarding the east exit against cohen as well as trolls,
dwarfs, men and womble.

> guard stop
You stop guarding the east exit against trolls, dwarfs, men, womble and cohen.

> guard west from everyone
You start guarding the west exit against everyone.