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Discworld player help



play - Challenge your friends at games.


play [rock-paper-scissors] challenging <living>
play [rock-paper-scissors] accepting [game] [from] <living>
play [rock-paper-scissors] {rock|paper|scissors} against <living>
play [rock-paper-scissors] status
play [rock-paper-scissors] abandon [game] against <living>


With this command you can play various games with people. At the moment the only command available is the old-time favourite rock-paper-scissors.

You'll first need to challenge someone, and your opponent will have to accept the challenge. Then you both decide what move to make, and the winner gets a shiny point.

You can find out how many points you have with 'status' as argument, and with 'abandon' games can be ended.


> play rock-paper-scissors challenging womble
You challenge Womble to a game of rock-paper-scissors.

> play rock-paper-scissors accepting from woom
You accept Woom's challenge.

> play rock-paper-scissors paper against womble
You make up your mind and wait for Womble to do the same.

> play rock-paper-scissors scissors against woom
You make up your mind; the countdown starts!
You win this round! Your scissors defeat Woom's paper!


Below is an alias that will make playing much easier.

alias rps $ifarg3:play rock-paper-scissors $1$ $2$ $3$$else$$ifarg2:play rock-paper-scissors $1$ $2$;nickname $2$ as opponent$else$$ifarg:play rock-paper-scissors $1$ against opponent$else$play rock-paper-scissors status$endif$$endif$$endif$

> rps challenging womble
You challenge Womble to a game of rock-paper-scissors.

> rps accepting womble
You accept Womble's challenge.

> rps rock
You make up your mind and wait for Womble to do the same.

> rps
You against Womble: 6 - 8, 9 draws.

> rps abandon

See also
