Developer Blogs
This is a blog for all the cool, but minor, things that your creators do for you.
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Groups Here, posted on Sat Aug 28 09:14:37 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Mudlib |
It's now possible to use "groups here" or "group list here" to see which (if any) groups are represented in the room you're currently in.
Looting Warded Items, posted on Tue Aug 24 12:52:59 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds |
Taking a warded item from a corpse will now always trigger the ward, unless it is an item that you owned or a corpse you have been permitted to remove items from. The skillcheck for normal theft is unaffected.
Recharging, posted on Thu Jun 24 15:08:07 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds |
To bring it in line with other actions requiring components, attempting to recharge something wizardly has changed! Now, if you attempt to recharge something and don't have enough power in your source substance, the substance will not be consumed and the guildpoints will not be used.
Holy Titles, posted on Fri Feb 12 22:32:19 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds |
There have been some changes made to priest titles, with a whole selection of new guild titles and suchlike.
Slim Black Briefcase, posted on Thu Feb 11 21:01:43 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds |
We've added a briefcase to the AM Assassin's post-graduate shop. It locks with a combination lock, and can hold a mini-inhumation kit.
Spell Components, posted on Sat Feb 6 10:04:20 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds | A bug was fixed with spells when casting with the "using" syntax meaning
that it should no longer be possible to cast a spell using components in
another player's inventory. As a side-effect of this, you may now only
use components in your room or in your own inventory. If you target a
component that is in a container of yours then it will attempt to take
the component out even if the container is not a component pouch.
Time To Get Rolling, posted on Thu Jan 28 15:21:53 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Guilds |
The barbarians are glad to welcome Hugh and his pub to the seasonal Hublandish Barbarians' camps. You can find Hugh in the active camp (which camp site is active depends on the season), and enjoy a merry beverage or two. Hugh has also invented a dice game for you to play: just roll the die and see how much you win. Or don't win.
There is a new achievement for Hugh's dice game. Whilst we were in the mood, we also added a couple of achievements for Klondike solitaire (a set can be found in ...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Rub A Dub Dub, posted on Sun Jan 10 17:09:30 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Special | You can now use cotton bathrobes to dry yourself with.
Musical Instrument Cases, posted on Sun Jan 10 15:50:08 2010 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Special |
If you are a starving musical genius, you may want to consider laying out your instrument case in public to attempt to attract donations from pleased (or displeased) passers-by.
If you see someone playing with their case laid out, consider tossing some coins into it to encourage them to go on (or to stop).
Scrabbling, posted on Mon Nov 2 10:18:56 2009 | Posted by: Carmine | Category: Mudlib |
I just wanted to let you know that I've been fixing the Scrabble boardgame to bring it more in line with roundworld rules.
The game will now end when someone plays their last tile (and there are no tiles left in the bag). Other players' remaining tiles will be deducted from their score and added to the player who went out. The game can also end if everyone passes. In this case, remaining tiles are deducted from all players' scores.
You can now discard a selection of the letters in your ha...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
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