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Wizards Suites, posted on Fri Jan 14 06:55:52 2011 | Posted by: Kaylar | Category: Guilds |
The leaseable suites available in the Sto Lat Wizards' Guild have gone back on the market.
They are no longer restricted to students - all wizards can bid on them. Non-students will have to increase their bid by a greater amount. Members of the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star must increase by 30%, but those under GL 100 may bid 10% more (like student wizards). Other wizards must increase their bids by 50% unless they are under GL 100, in which case the minimum increase is 30%.
There have been some reports in the past of locks on these doors not working, but they seemed fine when tested. If there are issues with this, or if they do not go back on the market at the end of the lease, please make a bug report with any relevant details.
More of the suites will go on the market later. |
Judge Should Now Lie Less, posted on Mon Jan 10 03:58:33 2011 | Posted by: Turvity | Category: Special | Judge has been reworked somewhat to be more accurate in its results. Additionally, it should now take into account your skill with the weapon at hand when determining how effective it is.
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