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There Is Hope!, posted on Sun Sep 11 02:56:57 2011
Posted by: Epic
Category: Guilds
All the poor sinners on the disc can now hope for absolvement. They should contact other members of their faith for that. Those might be able to pray for the lost souls.

Gammer Shorga's Clever Creeper, posted on Tue Sep 6 10:19:24 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
An expedition by a group of witches to discover the whereabouts of Gammer Shorga's cottage has been successful. It was found in the centre of what was thought to be a dense jungle, but actually turned out to be magical vines growing rampant. Granny Weatherwax was called in to tame the cheeky creepers and in the process discovered a new spell created by Gammer Shorga. She may be willing to teach it to worthy witches.

Warpaint And HEB, posted on Tue Sep 6 01:08:50 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
The warpaint command can now be used with camouflage paint sticks (some are available in the Hunters' guild and Lancre Highland Regiment).

A few bugs have been fixed with the shield created with Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer. It should now protect against lightning correctly, and recasting with a certain colour crystal will only increase the duration for the matching element.

As posted, all ordered wizards can now vote in any Senior Wizard election. The votes of a wizard belonging to the ord...

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Raising The Dead, posted on Tue Jul 26 01:26:49 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
Raise dead can now only be performed on a player ghost if the priest (or other performer of the ritual) has been permitted by that player.

Also, there is a new syntax at high altars to allow you to meditate to remove divine protection.

And as a reminder...

Thieves' Guild heavies are now heavying thieves with excessive fines. Individuals with excessive fines will be treated like unlicensed thieves and will be heavied whenever they steal in AM.

Discovered Diary Reveals Lost Knowledge, posted on Sat Jul 9 11:16:28 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds

Wun Hair Bunn has now completed her recent Spring cleaning of the Ninjas' guild library and it is now fully open again. Wun would like it to be known that while she was sorting through some boxes of old journals, she has stumbled across the original diary of Ishko Mendae, one of the ninjas' most celebrated poisoners. Until recently the diary had been thought lost forever, its discovery is most fortuitous and should provide interesting reading for students and graduates alike.

-- Tavish

Old Witch Teaching New Tricks, posted on Tue Jul 5 04:06:02 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds

A recent traveller passing through Bad Ass had an unplanned trip involving Greebo, resulting in a nasty broken leg. Luckily, he was patched up by the one and only Nanny Ogg. However, as she is no fan of doing things when there are younger witches who can do all that running around for her, she has decided to pass this knowledge on to other witches, but only those who she feels know enough about the treatment of injuries.

She is also very keen on the idea that if you can't help yourself, you c...

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GP Useage In Ambush And Backstab, posted on Tue Jun 14 02:11:38 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
The way GP is taken has changed for ambush and backstab.

Each command now takes some initially, and more is taken before each attempted hit. A 2 attempt ambush costs less than a 4.

The total cost of GP has decreased by 5 for ambush and 10 for backstab.

Backstab And Ambush, posted on Thu Jun 2 00:49:55 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
The way in which the number of attack attempts is calculated has changed for backstab and ambush. A skillcheck is now involved in calculating the number of hit attempts, and the properties (but not the type of weapon or specials it has) of the weapon influence how difficult this skillcheck is.

Sneak And Pursue, posted on Sun May 15 08:09:02 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
There have been a couple of changes made to sneaking. Firstly, moving at sneak low level attracts the same command lag as normal movement, but it takes the same GP as before. The other two levels have had a reduction in the amount of command lag caused by movement as well.

Since, while sneaking, the sneaker is concentrating on pursuing someone, he/she/it cannot be as stealthy as when not pursuing, therefore all sneaking while pursuing now acts as though moving at sneak low level, no matter what ...

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Old Spells Taught New Tricks, posted on Fri May 13 03:29:19 2011
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Guilds
Hex has recently been employed to research ways of improving the spells "Memories of a Vicious Chicken" and "Narquin's Mist of Doom". After serveral attempts and many outputs of +++OUT OF CHEESE ERROR+++, it appears to have had some success. Students that have yet to master the magic arts may well find these often-overlooked spells are now more worthy of their attentions.

-- Tavish



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