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Somewhere Over The Rainbow, posted on Tue Apr 22 03:57:06 2014
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
A new "gradient" syntax has been added to the "palette" command.

This allows you to create a nice gradient from one colour to another.

Have fnu!


Iconographic Innovations, posted on Fri Dec 6 22:35:26 2013
Posted by: Pit
Category: General
An innovative entrepeneur, after realising that if people will pay good money for the ability to make junk, they will pay even more to bring some order back in their lives, has invented a new storage device. Although its introduction has been met with some controversy, with the High Priest of Disorganisia, Goddess of Cluttered Desk Drawers, initiating a hunger strike in protest, vendors on multiple continents have started selling these new "iconograph albums".

Gaze And Crystal Balls, posted on Sun Nov 17 11:41:21 2013
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: General
Scrying with crystal balls and with the gaze command now removes the protection granted after having been resurrected.

If Your Skins Weren't Tanned Before, posted on Mon Sep 9 10:14:50 2013
Posted by: Kirves
Category: General
By popular demand from various hide buyers and players throughout the Disc, the way tanning works has been changed quite a bit.

Players will now find some things easier to tan and others more difficult. Some things will be paid slightly more money for than they used to be and others less. Dyeing is more difficult in many cases than it used to be as well.

A new command has also been added to tanning kits - "Divide" which can be used to make a skin smaller as to be easier to tan and later dye.


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Shop Changes, posted on Mon Jul 29 22:04:11 2013
Posted by: Borealis
Category: General
There have been some minor changes to player shops, specifically relating to the auction process:

1) While a shop is on auction, the previous shop owner will be allowed in the shop.

2) While the shop is on auction, all persons on the allow list will be able to adjust prices and buy goods from the shop. This is to enable the previous owners to remove their unsold stock should they wish to do so.

3) At the end of the auction, the old allow and helper lists will be completely reset.

Hopefully this...

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Coloured Lights, posted on Mon May 20 13:47:16 2013
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: General
There have been a few minor changes to guildpoint lights - yellow stone rings, and the lights created using the wizard spell Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence.

A few messages have been fixed, and you can also now combine the differently coloured lights to have more than one colour showing at a time.

The additional light created by wearing multiple GP lights also now scales according to how many lights you are wearing. There will be a point now where wearing another GP light won't make you a...

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Roleplaying!, posted on Sat Apr 20 14:27:40 2013
Posted by: Pit
Category: General
In order to make the wonders of roleplaying mode available to those who may not, perhaps, be comfortable going all the way, roleplaying mode has seen some changes.

- "options output numbers = descriptive" will replace numbers in skills and scores by descriptive texts

- "options personal roleplaying" has been removed

- the command "roleplaying immersive" gives roughly the same functionality as the old "options personal roleplaying"

Talker Redux, posted on Mon Apr 1 00:29:03 2013
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
It's been brought to our attention that, despite the talker channel (Debates) being dedicated to exactly that, they almost without exception take place on (One) instead. Similarly, the conversations on (One) can be seen as one large, ongoing debate.

Therefore, we're simplifying things and merging the two channels, under the name (Debates). To ease transition, the talker commands will still work with the old name ("one"), as well as with the new one ("debates"), for one week.

Womble on!

Enchanté, posted on Tue Feb 12 13:17:12 2013
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
If you are one of the privileged few who can see the colour octarine, you can now refer to enchanted things as "enchanted things". You can also refer to talismans as "talismans".

N.B. This will only be fully implemented once the MUD has rebooted.

Have fnu!

Prompt Promotion, posted on Tue Nov 6 20:47:41 2012
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
The command "prompt" has been added, allowing you to change your prompt. See "help prompt" for more information.




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