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The Face Of Things To Come, posted on Mon Apr 1 19:59:45 2024
Posted by: Evensong
Category: Guilds
The Face of things to come.

The Fools have continued in their obstinate refusal to Face the fact that they are a joke guild.

Brother Emmett has managed to procure some more stock including a circus tent and some new clothes for those who want to take their show on the road.

Brother Boffo, in addition to tidying up the ledgers containing existing faces so that one can find a registered face more easily, has created a set of forms that can be used to guide a new Fool in the art of creating ...

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Experimental Outbreak!!!!!, posted on Mon Apr 1 10:39:31 2024
Posted by: Pit
Category: General
In an unexpected and totally unforeseeable turn of events, the Bes Pelargic wizards guild reports an unfortunate accident with the results of a scientific experiment breaking free.

"I've never seen anything like this! The catastrophe needs to be contained as soon as possible! We need everyone's help!" according to the junior spokesperson to the guild.

Everyone interested in helping out is asked to report to Professor Shrub in the courtyard. He was not open for commentary when our reporters asked...

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Revisionist, posted on Fri Mar 15 10:08:44 2024
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
* The "brief" command now shows your settings in alphabetical order.

* The lecture timetables in the AM Assassins' Guild now obey your temporal_reality setting.

* When Bernita's wombles deliver flowers, you'll now be able to see in hcomm who sent them.

* Various new breads have been added to the bakery stall in Djelibeybi's bazaar.

* Some witch hats will now keep the rain off when they didn't before.

* The thaum-absorbing pyramids in the outdoor gym at the Institute of Illusory Learning now ...

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The Craft Of Bugfixing, posted on Wed Mar 6 13:40:18 2024
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
* Beard Day beards can now be removed. They will vanish when you do so, but if this makes you sad then you can always su for another one.

* The Morporkian Carriages game will now tell you who won when the game has finished. Moreover, you can now end a game that's got "stuck" by making sure that all players who are still in the room have resigned (see the helpfile attached to the game for more details).

* Decoratable items now have the adjective "decorated" or "undecorated" as appropriate. Mo...

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Why Is This Loon Still Blogging About Parrying?, posted on Fri Feb 23 15:04:35 2024
Posted by: Kadath
Category: General
In addition to the adjustments that were discussed in previous blog posts, an additional, separate issue was found that related to parrying some ranged attacks (particularly those involving smaller projectiles).

An additional (and hopefully final) change has now been made that should make a far more noticeable difference to parry users defending against small projectiles. This change should mean that your choice of "tactics response" should always be used when defending against ranged attac...

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Parrying What Life Throws At You Pt. II, posted on Thu Feb 22 13:56:17 2024
Posted by: Kadath
Category: General
I've now made a further adjustment to the weighting of ranged attacks vs parrying defence, as mentioned in the original post on this topic. Again, please submit a bug report if you witness any behaviour you think constitutes a bug or unintended outcome of this change.

I would also like to clarify that this change does *not* affect inhumation attempts in any way. There is separate code that handles those compared to normal ranged attacks.

Have fun!


Pressure Drop, posted on Tue Feb 20 10:27:00 2024
Posted by: Kake
Category: Waterways (domain pages)
The XP reward for sailing has been rebalanced to bring it more in line with other game systems. In particular, it now takes into account the duration of your voyage, in order to ensure that crews of all speeds are given a fair reward for their time.

I've put further details below, but I also want to explain the thinking behind this change, and make it clear what will and will not happen in response to player feedback.

Firstly, the reason for the change. This is a high-XP mission, which means ...

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Pancake Tuesday, posted on Tue Feb 13 02:26:20 2024
Posted by: Capita
Category: Special
Happy Pancake Day!

You can now fry pancakes in a frying pan, skillet, or wok. This requires a heat source like brewing, as well as flour, raw egg (from cracking eggs), milk, and butter. You can also add any seasonings and up to 1 optional ingredient of your choice!


Loitering Within Tent, posted on Fri Feb 9 11:03:20 2024
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: Special
The range of tents available has been expanded, and you can now go camping around the Disc! Some highlights:

* Erecting a tent will keep the room it's in loaded, which means that the stuff you leave in it (and outside it) will not be eaten by the inevitable progress of time for a few days - even if you log out.

* WARNING: It can still be picked up by players or NPCs, and a crash or a reboot will destroy it all. Anything you lose like this will not be replaced by Liaisons.

* You will need ...

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Parrying What Life Throws At You, posted on Wed Feb 7 15:03:54 2024
Posted by: Kadath
Category: General
An issue has been identified that made it extremely difficult for anyone using the 'parry' response to defend against the majority of ranged attacks (anything using the thrown/fired skills).

This will have had a significant impact on players who rely on parry in places like the smuggler caves and copperhead mines with aggressive NPCs who like to throw things. It will, however, have been advantageous for players using ranged attacks against parry-using NPCs as well.

The modifier that favoured...

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