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Custom Prayer Books, posted on Tue Nov 7 18:30:18 2023
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: Guilds
The cellar scriptorium of the Temple of Gapp in Genua is now accessible. Guillaume Bindere works there, and he would prefer that you not bother him so that he can finish his novel in peace. However, please do feel free to bother him by getting him to make custom prayer books for you, because quite frankly the Disc can wait a bit longer for his novel.

The Secrets Of The Heavens, posted on Sat Oct 28 20:47:39 2023
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: Ram (domain pages)
Wouldst tha like thy fortune told? By a SPOOKY fortune-teller? Then hie thee fearfully to Lancre Town, where Eldritch Ethel awaits, and tha'll unlock the deepest secrets of the heavens and what they hold for THY future.

(Disclaimer: may or may not involve horrible death. Further disclaimer: all fortunes are for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as actual witchery, because the Witch of Lancre Town does not hold with doing this sort of thing except for lots of scumble.)

The Zombies Are Coming (2), posted on Thu Oct 26 17:28:25 2023
Posted by: Capita
Category: Special
The zombie bacterium event will happen again on October 31, Tuesday! If you missed the last one, now's your chance to bite some survivors and/or purify some zombies.

Like the last time, the event will be opt-in: type "zombies opt-in" when it's ongoing to join. This means that if you do not want to participate in the event, you can completely ignore it.

The event will run for 24 hours.

Outstanding Contribution To The Historical Process, posted on Wed Oct 11 20:47:00 2023
Posted by: Thoreksken
Category: Am (domain pages)
The latest bugfix weekend focused on issues inside Ankh-Morpork (though some of the fixes will extend beyond its borders).

Kadath, Kake, and Guildenstern made several outstanding contributions to recitif long-standing issues.

Most noteworthy are the following fixes:

- The Master of Ceremonies quest can now be completed by Adventurers. Clarifications to indicate the roles of Adventurers and Fools have been made.

- Setting off a trap in the haunted mansion will give more helpful feedback to tho...

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Tooling About, posted on Mon Sep 25 20:54:05 2023
Posted by: Kadath
Category: General
I've made a few small fixes and updates, as follows:

- DJB madmen are now significantly more likely to shout about paid advertisements than to shout about some random chatter they heard from passers-by. Hopefully this will make it more worthwhile to take out advertising time in the city.

- Maker's mark stamps (for leather tooling) now feature an expanded range of animals to choose from, mostly those associated with the Mano Rossa, Ninja and Conlegium Sicariorum.

- Vic's tannery in Ohulan-Cu...

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Injury Time, posted on Mon Aug 21 12:30:15 2023
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
Four new achievements have been added, all from ideas in our Rainy Day File: Accident Prone, Brittle Bones, Packrat and Scheherazade.

The quartermaster's shovel is now a mace, rather than a polearm, since this is more consistent with its length.

Sorrel will now answer to "spice".

AMEWSing NEWS, posted on Fri Aug 11 19:14:11 2023
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: Special
Horse-loving individuals of a charitable nature may wish to find Galsworthy Prebble in the streets of Ankh-Morpork, and give him some money. Perhaps buy a T-shirt or a badge to show your support for the Ankh-Morpork Equine Welfare Society. Bring a spare hat so he can make it suitable for your horse to wear. Unless you don't have a horse, in which case bring a friend with a horse.

Gravitas, What Gravitas?, posted on Wed Aug 9 15:57:03 2023
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
A bug has been fixed in the Memorable achievement, but unfortunately the fix required us to clear progress on this achievement for those who have made some progress but not yet completed it. If you feel hard done by because of this, please talk to a liaison. This does not affect people who've already completed the achievement; only people who were part-way there.

The spelling of the "Fossilized" title has been corrected to "Fossilised", in line with MUD style for spelling. If you were using t...

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Lying Like A Cheap Rug, posted on Sun Jul 23 21:04:14 2023
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
One of the long-standing problems that Djinn's Flying Carpets, on Scoone Avenue in Ankh-Morpork, was having with their supply of flying carpets has been fixed. At least one remains.

(Some other carpets can also be found elsewhere.)

Fairy Tales Now *more* Fair, posted on Wed Jun 28 14:50:32 2023
Posted by: Fran
Category: Forn (domain pages)
I have fixed a bug that caused some players to be locked out of some of the quests in Bois for much longer than was intended.

I have also reset the lockouts for all players for these quests to let those of you who were already affected start these quests.




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