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Command XP And Sharing Changes, posted on Thu Nov 1 09:57:32 2012 | Posted by: Pit | Category: General | The changes to command XP and TM sharing, as announced in a previous news item, have gone in:
- command XP is being normalised: guild commands and non-guild commands will now give the same reward rate
- shared XP for commands has been removed
- TMs in groups now have a higher chance to be shared |
As The Days Go By, posted on Wed Oct 3 01:17:47 2012 | Posted by: Woom | Category: General | It has been brought to our attention that our implementation of the Discworld calendar did not match canon, specifically with regards to the number of days in each month.
This has now been rectified (see "help calendar" (concepts)). As a result, a number of dates no longer exist (in particular large parts of the month of Ick), and dates that were called one thing yesterday go by a new one today. You may want to check your sources if you're relying on in-game dates for anything...
Limited History, posted on Tue Oct 2 19:35:23 2012 | Posted by: Woom | Category: General | The htell command (and hsoul, too!) has received some new syntaxes, allowing you to show only the last n messages, or only messages within the last n hours.
Have fnu!
Missions!, posted on Thu Sep 13 19:31:14 2012 | Posted by: Pit | Category: General | Are you looking for fun? Would you like a larger variety of things to do? Do you want to earn your livelihood without stabbing people? Did you enjoy working for your family in Bes Pelargic or Genua, but thought it wasn't enough? Do you want to engage in the game, but still earn XP?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you are getting your wish! In the last year and more, following plans that have existed since the nineties, we have developed some new low-level game systems. Tech...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Rathole Bar In Ankh-Morpork, posted on Wed Sep 5 14:41:37 2012 | Posted by: Aristophanes | Category: General | There was a bug in the Rathole bar in Ankh-Morpork that was causing its inhabitants not to attack properly.
This has now been fixed.
The dwarfs might be more challenging to kill now, so please take care. |
Changes To Demon Summoning., posted on Thu Jun 30 19:18:26 2011 | Posted by: Aristophanes | Category: General | Greetings everyone!
There have been a number of important changes made to two wizard spells: Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon (DKDD) and Kelleflump's Irritating Demon (KID).[0]
Those of you who have used these/know things about them will be aware that a few years ago amulets (created by the spell Professor Flambardie's Grim Amulet, PFGA) were introduced. They, at this time, became compulsory components, required to cast either DKDD or KID at all.
This has now been changed.
These amulets are...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Pay Attention!, posted on Sun Jun 5 15:43:11 2011 | Posted by: Gnillot | Category: General | We have recently updated 'help automation' to better reflect the intentions behind having this rule in place. In brief; it now explicetly states that actively playing without paying attention is against the rules, rather than just suggesting it by implication.
Please have a read, so you are not caught out unawares...
The Liaison Domain |
Pet Peeves Poked, posted on Mon Apr 11 17:14:37 2011 | Posted by: Loutre | Category: General | Sto Lat pets have received a few tweaks:
- They won't show up in your followers list, instead following you silently from room to room like fruitbats.
- They will not react individually to each of several new npcs entering the room.
- Cats who have wandered off can now be terrified or offended into running back to their owners by use of several choice souls.
- Cats previously had a bug whereby nothing could hit them in combat (lucky devils). This has now been fixed. Be aware that cats may die!...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
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