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Sausage Balancing, posted on Wed Aug 22 02:13:27 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Am (domain pages)
The sausage market has become saturated with certain varieties of sausage, leading Sam Slager to lower his payments for those types.

(The spawn rate of the Klatch terrains was higher than expected, so the missions requiring animals from there were too easy for the reward. After collecting data on how long missions were taking for a few weeks, I've lowered the values for those animals a little.)

Hot Stuff 2, posted on Tue Aug 21 17:54:00 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Special
The way cooling clothing works has been made more consistent. It will now cool you down even if you're indoors, but the total amount of cooling you can receive from clothing is based on the current room temperature.

Klein And Fresh, posted on Sat Aug 18 17:10:19 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Guilds
The Creel Springs wizards' guild and the wizard's stall in Ephebe now stock two new, mind-bending magic items.

You Or Me?, posted on Fri Aug 17 21:17:34 2018
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: Klatch (domain pages)
There's talk of strange folks abroad.

Wandering D'reg tribes skirting the northeast edge of Al Khali and journeying deep into the desert wastes at night have aspied what looks like a small campfire at the top of a monolith in the desert.

A couple of enterprising youngsters have attempted to discover who lit them, but were driven away by the smell and fled back to their camp.

(Uncryptic version: There's a smelly tramp on the top of a big rock in the desert northeast of Al Khali. He may be per...

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He's All Ears., posted on Thu Aug 16 22:36:27 2018
Posted by: Aristophanes
Category: Special
Igor in the basement level laboratory in the Pseudopolis Yard watch house has come into a supply of arms and ears in addition to his ready supply of noses.

For a donation to the Widowth and Orphanth fund he may be persuaded to replace your missing parts, or to reattach a replacement that you "obtain" for him.

N.B. The exact method by which he takes his payment has changed slightly - he will take it as part of the process rather than by players donating money beforehand. He also continues to r...

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, posted on Fri Jul 6 13:39:10 2018
Posted by: Kesh
Category: Am (domain pages)
For the flooring-inclined, Jerry Jones in Sto Lat is stocking a few new woods.

Gemcutting Workshop Reopened, posted on Tue Jun 26 12:50:31 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Ram (domain pages)
The Slippery Hollow gemcutting workshop has had most of its technical difficulties resolved and is now open to the public once more.

Gemcutting Edge, posted on Thu Jun 7 19:15:05 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Special
Some of the patterns in the gemmed jewellery pattern book (Making Jewellery with Gems, by L. B. N. Wiggletoes), that were removed due to being unfinished way back when Slippery Hollow was released, are now finished and unremoved.

Restless Obbles, posted on Sun May 27 15:15:14 2018
Posted by: Kesh
Category: Sur
In rare situations, you may find that your obbles are noisier than before.

Sugar Press, posted on Fri May 18 06:14:12 2018
Posted by: Capita
Category: Guilds
The witch cottage in Slice now has a sugar press for making loose sugar into cubes.



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