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Rings And Bells, posted on Tue Dec 20 06:52:22 2016
Posted by: Borealis
Category: Special
Players may now use their own rings in player officiated marriages. See 'help marry' for more information.

The player officiated marriage commands are also now fully polygamy aware. As a result of this, they will also remove any no longer existent players from each particpant's spouse list.

Balancing Changes, posted on Fri Dec 9 19:54:28 2016
Posted by: Capita
Category: General
A jeweller's weighing balance was found in one of the dusty storerooms of the Academy of Artificers. It seems to use the obscure jeweller's unit "gems", or g, which coincidentally work out to exactly 1/450 of a pound. Since there was space in Master Weestone's workshop, it's been left in there until someone can figure out a better place to put it.

Koom Valley Ambushes, posted on Sun Oct 30 15:28:21 2016
Posted by: Borealis
Category: Ram (domain pages)
Re-enact the famous ambushes of Koom Valley. Only available in Slippery Hollow.

Slippery Hollow Welcomes Careful Tourists, posted on Sun Oct 30 15:27:31 2016
Posted by: Cordwangle
Category: Ram (domain pages)
Many have heard of the headless horse rider and most have wondered how the reins are attached, but few have met this terrifying foe and lived! Upon his arrival a burst of magical energy blighted both crops and livestock, making farming in the village of Slippery Hollow all but impossible.

Inviting tourists to the site of an ongoing murderous rampage is not without risks, but the rider and his headless horse are a unique feature and we must embrace tourism as a new source of revenue now that f...

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Morporkian Carriages, posted on Sun Oct 30 15:27:14 2016
Posted by: Borealis
Category: Ram (domain pages)
Explore the carriage system of Ankh Morpork in a very Meta way. Only available in Slippery Hollow.

Gem Cutting, posted on Sun Oct 30 15:23:41 2016
Posted by: Borealis
Category: Special
Jeromee in Slippery Hollow invites you to try your hand at crafting semi precious stones and metal bars into jewellery.

Divine Hand Weight Changes, posted on Sat Oct 15 16:46:23 2016
Posted by: Pit
Category: Guilds
Divine Hand has been updated to follow the changes to Remember Place and Modify Memento, as was announced at the time. These changes follow the plans as discussed on the boards before:

- only items remembered before the change to remember place are affected, and only those which (now) have a weight below 1/9 pound (50 grams)

- if you have the skills to succeed remember place on such an item, then nothing will happen

- if you do not have those skills, the item will have its weight upped to a valu...

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Colourful Killers, posted on Sat Oct 8 14:53:16 2016
Posted by: Pit
Category: Mudlib
Playerkillers who wish to be on guard for others of their own kind may now set "options colour playerkiller" to a value of their choice!

Note For Plugin Developers, posted on Sat Oct 8 14:48:14 2016
Posted by: Pit
Category: Mudlib
The information sent over ZMP and GMCP now includes room information, which provides a unique identifier for each room.

In addition, it is possible to request both the written map and ascii art map. Details are available in "help zmp" and "help gmcp".

(If this doesn't mean anything to you: don't worry! It's most relevant for those players who like to hack new features into their clients. :))

Corrected Consecrations, posted on Sat Sep 24 09:20:18 2016
Posted by: Borealis
Category: Guilds
A long standing bug in consecration has been fixed. Previously, some consecrated items may have lost their consecration related adjectives shortly after being consecrated. Now these adjectives should be preserved, provided that the observer has recently performed see consecration.

Consecration related adjectives are things like "gappic", "consecrated", "pishite" etc that can be used as selectors in the parser.

eg: locate consecrated papers

This fix may not be fully implemented until afte...

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