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Spell Components, posted on Sat Feb 6 10:04:20 2010
Posted by: Carmine
Category: Guilds
A bug was fixed with spells when casting with the "using" syntax meaning

that it should no longer be possible to cast a spell using components in

another player's inventory. As a side-effect of this, you may now only

use components in your room or in your own inventory. If you target a

component that is in a container of yours then it will attempt to take

the component out even if the container is not a component pouch.

Banishing Barrel Bugs, posted on Fri Feb 5 18:41:48 2010
Posted by: Pit
Category: Mudlib
Some bugs were fixed with barrels (the playerhouse furniture variant), which didn't save when they should and didn't have the right ownership checks before.

As a consequence, taking items from barrels in a playerhouse/-shop where you are not allowed will now be considered theft.

Syntax Syntax, posted on Thu Feb 4 15:39:32 2010
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
The "syntax" command has received a new syntax: "syntax <command> {brief|verbose}"

Using the "verbose" syntax will show you the syntaxes for the command, along with a brief explanation of what it does.

"syntax <command>" will use your verbose settings to determine whether the output will be brief or verbose. This can be toggled with the commands "brief" and "verbose".

There are still a lot of commands without syntax details, however our ambition is that eventually they'll all have them. If y...

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Quests Command, posted on Mon Feb 1 07:16:33 2010
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Special
You can now use the "quests" command to get hints and solutions to quests in a way similar to the webpage.

Time To Get Rolling, posted on Thu Jan 28 15:21:53 2010
Posted by: Carmine
Category: Guilds

The barbarians are glad to welcome Hugh and his pub to the seasonal Hublandish Barbarians' camps. You can find Hugh in the active camp (which camp site is active depends on the season), and enjoy a merry beverage or two. Hugh has also invented a dice game for you to play: just roll the die and see how much you win. Or don't win.

There is a new achievement for Hugh's dice game. Whilst we were in the mood, we also added a couple of achievements for Klondike solitaire (a set can be found in ...

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Ribbit?, posted on Tue Jan 26 12:32:47 2010
Posted by: Woom
Category: General
It is now possible to use the "froginfo" command on other people than yourself.

Good luck!

Bad Spelling Brushed Up, posted on Mon Jan 25 16:52:13 2010
Posted by: Kake
Category: Guilds
All spells which cause damage on backfiring should now bring up the caster's HP monitor in the case of such an unfortunate incident. (Assuming said caster has the monitor option turned on, that is.) If you find one that doesn't, please bugrep it.

Please note that no additional damage has been added - it's just that the damage that was always occuring is now more apparent.

Royal Art Museum, posted on Sun Jan 24 04:43:29 2010
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Am (domain pages)

Sir Reynold Stitched is pleased to announce the opening of the Royal Art

Museum of Ankh-Morpork on Lower Broadway. The museum boasts galleries of

fine paintings, sculptures, tapestries and other artworks including just

the one[1] gallery dedicated to modern art. The exhibition gallery can

be found upstairs and will feature different works every few months.

Sir Reynold would also like it known that the museum features a citizens'

gallery that can be used to display handicrafts by members of th...

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Fighting The War On (Club) Homelessness, posted on Sat Jan 23 18:46:50 2010
Posted by: Bluius
Category: Cwc (domain pages)
A number of shiny new club houses have been made available for rent throughout the city of Bes Pelargic. They may be rented through the usual bureaucratic channels.

This blog post brought to you by the Imperial Ministry of Club Housingness

Brassica Overhead - Ahoy!, posted on Sun Jan 17 01:43:46 2010
Posted by: Kake
Category: Guilds
The priests of Sto Lat have finally managed to persuade one of their number to take up permanent residence as an instructor in Pishe's temple. Young Brassica seems quite comfortable in her new home, and hopes her sisters and brothers in Pishe won't be too tardy in coming to say hello to her.



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