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Withdrawal Symptoms, posted on Mon Apr 27 02:30:28 2009
Posted by: Ptoink
Category: General
It is now possible to specify denominations when you withdraw money from banks. This may not appear in every bank until the next reboot. The new syntax is

withdraw <amount> in <denomination>

so you could type

>withdraw 2 forins in livres

and get livres rather than forins. Note that this only works within currency regions: you can't use

> withdraw 2 forins in dollars

to bypass the money changers.

This change was requested by Hagi. May his camels never run dry.

Teaching, posted on Sun Apr 26 00:53:07 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
Due to the excessive computational cost, it is now only possible to teach a maximum of ten levels of a time of a root skill (crafts, fighting, covert, etc, etc)

Greeter Imps, posted on Tue Apr 21 20:34:03 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
Greeter imps have been made available as playershop furniture, available from the... uh... spulluf in the Normal Fashion. They are the latest in technomancy, incorporating multi-character memories and extensive support for language localization.

Top Ten Tables, posted on Fri Apr 17 21:37:21 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
To clear up all the crazy, zany creator guilds and gods from the top ten tables, I've changed the way they are architected internally. A side effect of this is that the current values for the tables have been wiped - they'll rebuild themselves over the new few days/weeks in the normal fashion.

Achievements Checking, posted on Fri Apr 17 16:23:08 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
There's a new syntax available on the achievements command - it's 'achievements check' and lets you check for one specific achievement. No need to wait for legacy to kick on, or for the automated checking to trigger in situations where it is delayed.


Discworld Creator Manuals, posted on Fri Apr 17 15:48:08 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
Repost of this, since our last few blog posts have gone missing.

There is now a new option from the 'creating' menu called 'creator manuals'. In here you will find the PDF text of four booklets on being a creator. Together, they comprise around 170,000 words, and as such you should make yourself a delicious cup of tea before cracking them open.


Polls, And The Polling Thereof, posted on Thu Apr 9 11:05:13 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
The display of the polling results through both the MUD command and the web-page has been changed so they are displayed in descending order of popularity.


Playing With Your Balls, posted on Sat Mar 28 16:05:10 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: Sur and General
Crystal balls are making a triumphant return to the game, albeit with numerous changes! For one, there are different skill checks, for another there are more skill checks, and for another still they now get distorted by high background magic. You can also smash them for Fun and Profit and access to Thaum Crystals.

Enjoy, until they need to be taken out of the game again![1]


[1] We've struggled to make the balls fun and balanced for years, and there's no reason to assume we've...

Read The Rest Of This Entry

New Achievements, posted on Mon Mar 23 01:58:02 2009
Posted by: Trilogy
Category: General
Put in Master of all Guilds, Diversified and Long-term Investor.

Wan Bending Reed, posted on Fri Mar 20 19:42:00 2009
Posted by: Trilogy
Category: General and Cwc (domain pages)
Wan Bending Reed has expanded his weapon making skills to include some more descriptive names for his tried and tested weapons. Functionality hasn't changed at all. Thanks to various players for the ideas, especially Elera who provided the bulk :)



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