Parrying What Life Throws At You Pt. II, posted on Thu Feb 22 13:56:17 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | I've now made a further adjustment to the weighting of ranged attacks vs parrying defence, as mentioned in the original post on this topic. Again, please submit a bug report if you witness any behaviour you think constitutes a bug or unintended outcome of this change.
I would also like to clarify that this change does *not* affect inhumation attempts in any way. There is separate code that handles those compared to normal ranged attacks.
Have fun!
Kadath |
Parrying What Life Throws At You, posted on Wed Feb 7 15:03:54 2024 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | An issue has been identified that made it extremely difficult for anyone using the 'parry' response to defend against the majority of ranged attacks (anything using the thrown/fired skills).
This will have had a significant impact on players who rely on parry in places like the smuggler caves and copperhead mines with aggressive NPCs who like to throw things. It will, however, have been advantageous for players using ranged attacks against parry-using NPCs as well.
The modifier that favoured...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
No One Knows What The Dead Think, posted on Wed Dec 6 17:37:31 2023 | Posted by: Kake | Category: General | Feeding GP to a spectre will now extend the duration of its life properly, rather than simply replacing the old timeout with a new one. This means that you no longer need to wait until your spectre is about to disappear in order to avoid wasting previously-fed GP.
Praying for others will now contribute deity points to the pool in the same way as praying in general.
"appraise here" will now attempt to let you know if you're in a room where dropped things will fall down rather than just stay...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Tooling About, posted on Mon Sep 25 20:54:05 2023 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | I've made a few small fixes and updates, as follows:
- DJB madmen are now significantly more likely to shout about paid advertisements than to shout about some random chatter they heard from passers-by. Hopefully this will make it more worthwhile to take out advertising time in the city.
- Maker's mark stamps (for leather tooling) now feature an expanded range of animals to choose from, mostly those associated with the Mano Rossa, Ninja and Conlegium Sicariorum.
- Vic's tannery in Ohulan-Cu...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Injury Time, posted on Mon Aug 21 12:30:15 2023 | Posted by: Kake | Category: General | Four new achievements have been added, all from ideas in our Rainy Day File: Accident Prone, Brittle Bones, Packrat and Scheherazade.
The quartermaster's shovel is now a mace, rather than a polearm, since this is more consistent with its length.
Sorrel will now answer to "spice". |
Gravitas, What Gravitas?, posted on Wed Aug 9 15:57:03 2023 | Posted by: Kake | Category: General | A bug has been fixed in the Memorable achievement, but unfortunately the fix required us to clear progress on this achievement for those who have made some progress but not yet completed it. If you feel hard done by because of this, please talk to a liaison. This does not affect people who've already completed the achievement; only people who were part-way there.
The spelling of the "Fossilized" title has been corrected to "Fossilised", in line with MUD style for spelling. If you were using t...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Lying Like A Cheap Rug, posted on Sun Jul 23 21:04:14 2023 | Posted by: Guildenstern | Category: General | One of the long-standing problems that Djinn's Flying Carpets, on Scoone Avenue in Ankh-Morpork, was having with their supply of flying carpets has been fixed. At least one remains.
(Some other carpets can also be found elsewhere.) |
The Darling Bugs Of May, Part 2, posted on Wed May 10 12:07:37 2023 | Posted by: Kadath | Category: General | Here's the latest batch of updates, tweaks and fixes from your lovely creator team:
- Playershop greeter imps have finally learned how to speak Brindisian, Dwarfish and Klatchian. (If yours is not co-operating, please ask a liaison to update the room, or wait for the next reboot.)
- The output of the temperature command has been clarified, removing the need to wonder (or argue about) whether "a lot of warmth" is more than or less than "quite a lot of warmth".
- The weights of garlic clov...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
Maisey Hits The Road, posted on Fri Apr 7 19:36:11 2023 | Posted by: Evensong | Category: General | Happy that she has made a difference, Maisey has decided to go back out on the road.
She's taken a bunch of Fools Guild admin forms with her so she can train and recruit on her travels and has left details of her tour dates in the reception Office. |
Give A Man A Fire..., posted on Thu Apr 6 22:00:18 2023 | Posted by: Evensong | Category: General | Maisey is most pleased by the lack of fresh corpses around the Fools guild now. As a reward she has made some new items available to those who have shown themselves worthy. |
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