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The Ends Of Invention, posted on Mon Sep 5 12:12:09 2022
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
Several things to report from last weekend's craft-themed Bugfix Weekend:

* A single-use soft rag that will strip wax from woodworked items is now available wherever woodwork tools are sold.

* Crafted candles now last twice as long as they used to.

* Small silver needles, heavy duty needles, and whalebone needles are no longer weapons. (This is part of an ongoing change to improve the underlying code to stop us having to fix needle bugs/implement needle ideas in three separate places.)

* D...

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Caconym, posted on Tue Aug 16 18:23:13 2022
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
The "groups" and "group list" commands now have extra syntaxes allowing you to specify brief output (e.g. "groups brief").

The Mano Rossa guild title "Rooftop Rambler" has been changed to "Socio Rossa", for a more in-theme feel. (Please note that this is cod Italian rather than real Italian, and so there is no need to typo rep the lack of noun-adjective agreement.)

Inhuming the Lag/Laggy-San now counts towards the Lagbuster achievement.

The feather charm available from the Harbour Marke...

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Keepin' Safe, Gettin' Some Respect, posted on Sun Aug 7 18:25:57 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
* You can now use filters for Coffee Nostra families with 'who' in the same way as for Agatean families.

* Sonkies now no longer weigh nearly half a pound.

* Some new safes have been installed: one in CWC, two in Ankh-Morpork, one in Genua.

* The dragon harp and recital harp are now noticeably harder to play than they were.

* The shipwright's on Minaret Street can now be used to repair wooden items.

* Quinbury Soames now stocks marbleable envelopes as well as paper.

* The 'Blackbird' achievement ...

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Miscellaneous 'can't Think Of A Punny Title' Fixes, posted on Mon Jul 18 22:41:23 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
* Mr Vitiolo has begun restoring damaged quills in his shop on Brookless Street, Ankh-Morpork.

* Pens, styli, and so forth should no longer answer to 'quill'.

* Most writing implements now weigh more sensible amounts.

* Erasers now weigh a nonzero amount, and can be used to erase signatures in pencil.

* Parchments are now no longer also made of paper.

* The achievement 'Patron Saint of Perforators' now does actually put up a portrait of the most recent achiever in the Stab in the Back pub. Unless...

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Things And Stuff And Bits And Pieces, posted on Sun Jul 3 18:48:06 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
We have a collection of fixes and minor improvements for you!

* You can now use eg. 'pour 1/5 of ink well onto sponge' when staining. Using less or more than the amount the sponge needs will waste some. Using 'pour ink well on sponge' will still automatically take the correct amount (1/5 of the capacity of a standard ink well). The bug whereby using 'onto' would occasionally not colour the sponge has been fixed.

* Player-made staves are now slightly lighter than they were, which is to say they a...

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Death And Gravity, posted on Mon Jun 27 15:44:59 2022
Posted by: Kake
Category: General
The ice axe has been rebalanced to bring it in line with other weapons. Specifically: it no longer boosts your rope-climbing or tree-climbing bonuses, the rock-climbing boost is now capped, it no longer acts as a staff, it is heavier than before, and it deals less damage than before. If you had one stored in a star sapphire ring via Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration, you will be able to retrieve it but you will not be able to store it again.

As pre-announced on the Frog board a week ago, th...

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Mending Mending, posted on Thu Jun 23 13:14:18 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
You should now be able to use a needle and thread to repair things made of more materials than you previously could. Specifically, the nice fabrics that Gerard de Wendelle uses should now be mendable, as should things made of fluff and things that appraise as "fabric". If you come across something that you can't mend, but you think you should be able to, please make a bug report on the needle saying what you were trying to mend, and where you got it from!


Sweeping Changes, posted on Wed May 4 15:42:22 2022
Posted by: Kadath
Category: General
Borst Besensteel in Copperhead now sells broom stencils in his shop. These can be used in conjunction with a tin of paint and a small stencilling sponge[1] to apply a stencilled design to a broomstick.

Those wishing to apply a stencil to their broomstick will need a quite respectable degree of painting skill, and should be able to apply stencils to any kind of broomstick. Note that custom broomsticks can only be stencilled if they do not already feature a 'decoration' from Borst.

Important No...

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Ordering Broom Polish, posted on Thu Apr 14 21:37:45 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
Borst Besensteel, in Copperhead, has been rationalising his business processes a bit. You can once more order a box of six jars of broom polish in your chosen scent and finish, this time by talking to him rather than with a room command. You may in the process find yourself committing tax fraud, but in the final analysis, being a witch is a form of tax fraud anyway.

Agatean Family Inhumations, posted on Wed Mar 30 10:35:00 2022
Posted by: Guildenstern
Category: General
Ninja who have passed the Chunin Test, but not the Ru Noperi, should now be able to close Agatean family inhumation contracts like any other graduate.



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