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New Stalls In The Bazaar, posted on Fri Jun 19 07:43:35 2009 | Posted by: Jewels | Category: Klatch (domain pages) | Two new stalls will be popping up in the Djelibeybi Bazaar.
A shopkeeper living a charmed life now sells a selection of Klatchian themed charms and bracelets.
A buggy stallkeeper has been collecting little critters and sells them now as wearable pets.
So the next time you're in the area, be sure to pop into a stall, you never know when you'll find something new in the bazaar! |
A Fairy Tale Name..., posted on Mon Jun 15 07:38:37 2009 | Posted by: Jewels | Category: Klatch (domain pages) | Awaking from a bad dream, the pretty young Sle-pingh-beuh-tei has suddenly remembered her name.
She is now the kind of girl a wee witch my fly to if she needs some fashion advice. |
Don't Be Hatin', posted on Sun Jun 14 15:36:20 2009 | Posted by: Drakkos | Category: Underworld | You can now tear up the cards of creators you don't like. But you know, don't... because we love you. |
Additions To The Klatchian Foreign Legion, posted on Sun Jun 14 06:51:19 2009 | Posted by: Kaylar | Category: Guilds | A new mess hall has been written by Vershik and added to the Klatchian Foreign Legion outpost. The sleeping area now also doubles as a hospital and may be of interest to anyone wanting to hone their firstaid skills. |
Listen Very Carefully, I Will Say This Only Once, posted on Sat Jun 13 16:35:24 2009 | Posted by: Kake | Category: Ram (domain pages) | The Listening Monks have taken careful note of the increased number of visitors coming via the new carriage routes, and decided to give their temple a bit of a spring clean.
The scriptorium and library have had a bit of an upgrape, Brother Hotpot the kitchen monk has agreed to take on some extra help, unassuming acolyte Vendible Bead has been put in charge of the new commercial branch of the temple's operations, and Abbot Lobsang has finally come out of the closet about his favourite hobby. |
Our Harbour Is All Flipped Out!, posted on Sat Jun 13 04:00:56 2009 | Posted by: Jewels | Category: Klatch (domain pages) | Are you wandering around lost, aimlessly looking for the harbour?
Do not panic, its just gone south to the other side of the river...back closer to Djelibeybi where it always should have been.
Yes update your maps, hire a cartographer, buy a compass, get some directional skills...
You'll find it if you just try. |
Feint, posted on Fri Jun 12 12:20:42 2009 | Posted by: Kaylar | Category: Guilds | Feint is now using tactics as the defensive skill again. Some extra limitations have been added which should help make it less
powerful. |
Real Estate Faces Reality, posted on Tue Jun 9 19:58:05 2009 | Posted by: Evis | Category: Klatch (domain pages) | For days, weeks, months, years gone by, the Djelibeybi real estate office has been a law unto itself, handing out blacklists with only Put knowing how to remove them afterwards! But no more!
The Djelibeybi magistrates now hold the power to modify this list-that-isn't-white as they see fit. |
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