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My Witch Has No Nose! How Does She Smell? Cleavagelicious!, posted on Sun May 31 16:30:05 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Special
In the past, if you had suffered some sort of witch-related accident and ended up with no nose, and then put on and tightened a corset, when you logged off and back on again you'd find it in your inventory rather than clasping your waist and cleavage in its firm yet loving grip.

I have now surgically removed the corsets' sense of smell, and they will no longer object in this manner.

Fixing Up Fix, And, Er, Insert Pun On Leatherworking Here, posted on Sun May 31 14:50:22 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Special
You can now leatherwork things which appraise as being made of dragonhide, patent leather, suede, or snakeskin as well as just "leather".

Fixing jewellery has changed slightly - now, all the different types of gold (red gold, rose gold, and so on) will use the goldsmithing skill, as will platinum.

If you find you can't fix or leatherwork something you think you should be able to, or if it's using the wrong skill, let us know.

Submitting Craft Patterns And Sheet Music, posted on Thu May 28 00:38:45 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Special
Two new categories have been added to the "idea special" syntax, they

are "sheet_music" and "craft_patterns". These can be used to submit ideas

for new patterns for pottery, embroidery, quilting, bodging, goldsmithing

and engraving, and new sheet music for musical instruments.

If you are interested in submitting ideas, please read the appropriate

help file: "help craft patterns" or "help sheet music".

These new categories should only be used to submit idea reports for

complete patterns or music...

Read The Rest Of This Entry

Smashable Guitars, posted on Mon May 25 00:40:11 2009
Posted by: Kaylar
Category: Special
Mrs. Daycoparge in the Musicians' Guild in AM now sells a decoratable guitar that

can be smashed, for all you Music With Rocks In star wannabes out there.

Band Aid II, posted on Sun May 24 21:06:35 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
And as a result of Popular Demand, bandaging will also automatically draw bandages from your identified component pouch as well as an identified medicine bag.

Band Aid, posted on Sun May 24 12:08:52 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
You can now identify a container as a 'medicine bag', and have the bandage command automatically pull bandages from there. The syntax is simply 'bandage <target>'. You can also choose to bandage targets with specific bandages as before.

Blog Latest, posted on Sun May 24 01:36:19 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
You can now view the latest blog on a blog using the 'blog view 'blog' latest'. Keep up to date with the news!

Cunning, posted on Sat May 23 22:41:02 2009
Posted by: Dasquian
Category: Mudlib
Your known languages and language skills can now be check with the "languages" command. They didn't quite make it with the rest of the people skills, but fear not - they still work exactly like they did before!

An Adventure For Other People, posted on Sat May 23 20:12:44 2009
Posted by: Dasquian
Category: Mudlib
The "other" tree has been split into "people" and "adventuring". This is in order to advance our agenda of making skills better categorized and defined!

The only practical effect of this should be that the points and teaching skills have been cloned, but there will be more to come int he future!

Colours And Combat Feedback, posted on Fri May 22 17:42:46 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
You can now set the colour of the combat feedback messages - it's 'combatfeedback' for a flag, and can be done using the 'colours' command in the normal fashion. You'll need to SU to do it if you're online at the time of this being posted!



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