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Combat Feedback, posted on Fri May 22 13:06:19 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
There's a lot of stuff going on in the combat system that you never get any kind of feedback on. Well, to go along with the modified 'you struggle to hold' message, I've added more feedback throughout the process so you can see some of the things that get taken into account in the process. You switch them on in the same way you switch on the 'struggle to hold' by using 'options combat weapon_warnings'.

Now, some caveats!

1) There's a combat option that has been added to the bug/idea/typo ...

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Go On, Give It A Kick!, posted on Wed May 20 14:18:46 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
In order to facilitate proper disposal of any magical doors that may be surplus to requirements, you may now kick them or push them with your staves as an alternative to shoving them.

We Need More Stats, Stat!, posted on Wed May 20 00:44:59 2009
Posted by: Dasquian
Category: Mudlib
Picking your rearrange is one of the more permanent and important decisions on the MUD, and requires thinking about a number of factors. A large number of these are how your choice of rearrange will affect important skills. It seems bizarre, therefore, that there is no easy-access information telling you how each skill is mapped to your stats.

Well, now there is. "skills <skill> stats" will tell you the stats composition of each skill, as there is really no reason why this information should...

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Celestial Timekeeping, posted on Tue May 19 19:02:58 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: General
Those with a sufficiently high skill in other.direction (I know, but it's the best match we have) can now tell the time... to a degree... by looking at the sun and the moon. The better your skills, the more accurately you can do so.

Giving Old Buffers A New Lease Of Life, posted on Tue May 19 11:07:44 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
It's been brought to my attention that Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer has been both underused and underuseful for a while now.

Accordingly, I've halved the spell size, slightly more than halved the gp cost (because it scales drastically with more crystals), and increased the floor on the amount of damage it will protect against.

Go wild.

Deputy Deliverer, posted on Mon May 18 22:38:39 2009
Posted by: Thoreksken
Category: Am (domain pages)
I fixed this lovely little quest hat had apparently been broken for almost 7 years and reactivated it.

Yet More Fixes To Spells, posted on Mon May 18 14:57:18 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
Crystal balls will now be blocked by Kipperwald's Perlustration Prevention, in the same way Floron's Fabulous Mirror is.

Scolorid's Scintillating Scribbling no longer counts colour codes towards its 88 characters.

Skeleton warriors will now accept & equip weapons and armour their owner gives them, and should also follow through divine hand now.

Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence will now consume the lantern rather than the shimmering glass nugget. I've also added an extra stage, using con...

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Hitting Too Much Harder Now That You're No Longer Hitting Less Harder Than You Should Be, posted on Mon May 18 13:16:35 2009
Posted by: Drakkos
Category: Mudlib
The recent fix to the combat code had the side-effect of making almost everyone hit like a truck filled with other trucks. As such, I reduced the damage bonus that exceptional hits will do.

This is still very much a buff from the state before the fix (because you were doing less damage than a normal hit), but brings the damage back into line. I am still monitoring the situation - more adjustments may be forthcoming.

Some More Changes To Spells, posted on Sun May 17 20:19:48 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Guilds
Myrandil's Vicious Seizure: Previously, we got the same failure message ("An inebriated barge sailor tries to leave, but is held in place by the hands.") when they didn't have enough gp as when they failed the skillcheck. I've silenced that, so combat in fields of undead hands should be less spammy now.

Small blue lights and glowing moths will now actually stop fighting you when you get the message "You get fed up with seeing the small blue light dodge aside, so you stop fighting it." They sh...

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Let's Stay Positive, posted on Sun May 17 17:47:23 2009
Posted by: Touchstone
Category: Special
This one's from Pit, who did the complicated parts.

Due to various bugs with negative floats in player shops, it is now no longer possible to withdraw from a player bank franchise if the float can not cover it. In practice, this means franchise owners will need to keep the float at a reasonable level to allow sufficient withdrawals from their bank.

If you notice other ways for the float of a commercial property to turn negative, please report them.



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