Classic Misdirection, posted on Sun Nov 8 06:54:53 2015 | Posted by: Celt | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | The pickpockets of Bes Pelargic have now become a little more grateful when receiving Agatean currency, and a little more bold in their attempts to unburden you of your valuables.
Be on guard, Unpleasant Visitors Of Our Empire. |
If You Can't Tie Knots.., posted on Fri Nov 6 19:38:37 2015 | Posted by: Celt | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | .. tie lots!
Ever the entrepreneur, Graham Shi of Harbourside Fishing Supplies fame in Bes Pelargic is now selling lengths of high quality sailing rope at premium prices.
Citing Imperial regulations, he refuses to comment on the introduction of sailing. |
Expiration Pending, posted on Fri Oct 16 20:48:37 2015 | Posted by: Borealis | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | The pending expiration of arms permits should now respect the observer's temporal reality setting after the permit is next loaded. |
Su Shi (Not Squishi) And Fishing Supplies., posted on Sat Sep 5 11:14:43 2015 | Posted by: Aristophanes | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | Morporkian businessman Graham Shi - and his Agatean wife, Su - have taken over the lease
for the harbourside fishing supply shop on the west part of Tuna Walk in Bes Pelargic.
Having already managed to push their collusive trade along the bay, the family have used these
new-found profits to revamp the adjoining building as their family restaurant, "The Lobster Pot".
A Morporkian at heart, Graham always welcomes those of ill repute. |
Agatean Arborial Adjustment, posted on Sat Nov 22 20:45:10 2014 | Posted by: Borealis | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | Ching Ching is pleased to announce that he will happily accept payment for the use of his woodworking facilities on Sion Street in the noble city of Bes Pelargic. |
Real Estate Refunds (CWC), posted on Sun Mar 9 03:55:50 2014 | Posted by: Borealis | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | A clerical error in the Imperial Institute of Commercial and Fiscal Responsibility has been identified and rectified. As a result, the first choice bank for all refunds from the Imperial Real Estate office will now be the First Imperial Bank. His Imperial Imperiousness is sure that citizens will rest happy in the knowledge that foreign ghosts will no longer receive their rhinu by default. |
Imperial Guards Drop Things, posted on Fri Feb 28 10:44:47 2014 | Posted by: Osore | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | There is a new Imperial Guard trainer in the Empire and he seems to have taught the Imperial Guards not to hold onto confiscated items after death, what a great trainer he is. |
Public Hygiene, posted on Tue Feb 18 23:26:42 2014 | Posted by: Borealis | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | The Emperor has decreed that in the interests of public hygiene, washing in designated public parks shall be permitted. Hot water and soap will not be supplied.
Communication History, posted on Sun Nov 17 20:51:13 2013 | Posted by: Pit | Category: Am (domain pages), Cwc (domain pages), Developers, Fluffos (domain pages), Forn (domain pages), Guilds, Klatch (domain pages), Learning (domain pages), Liaison (domain pages), Playtesters (domain pages), Ram (domain pages), Special, Sur, Underworld and Waterways (domain pages) | Those whose memory fails them on occasion will be pleased to know that the functionality of the history commands "htell" and "hsoul" has been extended:
* hsoul now also includes emotes, and has an option to filter only player souls
* a new command hsay captures all says, saytos, whispers and so on
* a new command hcomm combines the communication from htell, hsoul and hsay
Enjoy! |
Clerical Error In Noble Families, posted on Wed Aug 14 20:22:20 2013 | Posted by: Pit | Category: Cwc (domain pages) | The leaders of the noble families in Bes Pelargic have discovered that their clerics have been making some systematical errors for years.
In particular, they learned that they have given out ranks to their loyal supporters when these were not yet truly earned.
Naturally, the clerics have been executed and the errors corrected. Some of their followers may see consequently a minor regression in rank within the family.
(Translation: due to a bugfix, it is possible that some players' titles in the ...Read The Rest Of This Entry |
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