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Get At Most 1 Bit Of Information From Blog Post, posted on Mon Nov 18 04:29:44 2024
Posted by: Presto
Category: General

Ye olde 'get' command has gotten a small upgrade. The 'get at most' syntax should now work for money and continuous items (like ash) ... with a few restrictions:

1. The syntax hasn't changed; it's still "get at most <number> <things> [from <containers>]. This means you can't do something like 'get at most 1 handful of ash, 3 carrots from sacks'

2. You can't mix 'n' match different types of continuous objects. This means if you have grey ash and black ash, and you say 'get at most 20 p...

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Concentration!, posted on Sat Jan 20 00:09:11 2024
Posted by: Presto
Category: Special
After some discussion with The Defeater of Empires, the Swallower of Oceans, the Thief of Years, the Ultimate Reality, the Harvester of Mankind, the Assassin 'Gainst Whom No Lock Will Hold (better known as Death), he has agreed that once something has crossed into his jurisdiction, as it were, then if someone was focusing their attention upon said thing, that attention should then be lost.

In practical terms, what this means is that if you are concentrating on an enemy, and the enemy dies, you c...

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Player Shop Money Changer Improvements, posted on Tue May 16 06:03:55 2023
Posted by: Presto
Category: Special
Playershop money changers have some new features!

First, for shop owners, the 'withdraw' command now allows you to withdraw multiple denominations at once by separating them with ", " (both the comma and space are required). So for example you can "withdraw 10 crowns, 5 rhinu from changer". This has actually been available for a while, but now it's officially announced. The only catch is that for Ankh-Morpork money it's recommended to use the area name (eg "Ankh-Morpork pence" or "am dollars"...

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Two Random Updates..., posted on Fri Apr 16 05:05:00 2021
Posted by: Presto
Category: Special
Hello! A couple of updates to note:

1. The 'draw' command has been updated, and the syntax is a little different. This mostly affects drawing multiple weapons at the same time, but whether it affects you or not depends on your "options input andascomma" setting. Bottom line is if you used to use something like "draw knife and dagger into left hand and right hand" and it doesn't work now, try "draw knife,dagger into left hand and right hand".

2. Clocks and watches have been updated so that gl...

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Ye Olde Player Shoppes, posted on Fri Feb 26 20:50:08 2021
Posted by: Presto
Category: Special
If you don't own a shop this post is not for you. :)

Many of you entrepreneurs out there have had some problems with stocking your shops using your usual methods. As of right now, things should be back to normal (or will be after the MUD reboots, or your shop reloads).

What's been happening is that items approved by automatic approval expressions are now, in fact, approved immediately. But! owners and helpers were not subject to approval expressions, so this led to a side effect where you cou...

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Looking For Loot In All The Deads' Places, posted on Wed Dec 16 05:03:09 2020
Posted by: Presto
Category: General
1. You can now get items from containers in corpses (ie, "get thing from container in corpse").

2. While this was going on I noticed a bug where it was possible to use the "get thing out of corpse" syntax to get something without triggering wards. This has now been fixed. BE AWARE that this also applies to other ways of moving items out of corpses as well. For example, ordering your Creeping Doom to devour a corpse with a warded item will also trigger the ward.

An Arm And A Leg, posted on Wed Aug 12 00:45:47 2020
Posted by: Presto
Category: General
You can now get bits from corpses (and bits from other bits) with swords, axes, and polearms. The part you're trying to get must be above a certain overall size, and it can't be an internal organ, a bone, or skin; so things like arms, legs, heads, etc. AND you can't be holding the corpse or bit; it has to be on the ground or some other surface.

Knives and daggers will continue to work as usual.

If you find a bit you think you should be able to get but can't, or CAN get but think you shouldn't...

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Giving To The Group, posted on Thu Jul 2 20:25:29 2020
Posted by: Presto
Category: General
There is now a 'groupaccept' option under 'options auto give' to control whether or not you will automatically accept things given to you by group members.

Hoods N' Visors, posted on Mon Jun 15 03:42:32 2020
Posted by: Presto
Category: General

There have been a couple small clothing and armour changes. First, all cloaks/robes/dresses that say they have a hood should now have a functioning hood. Use 'pull hood [on] <item> [forward]' and 'push hood [on] <item> [back]' to raise or lower the hood. Second, in the same vein, helmets that say the have a visor should now have a working visor. Use 'raise/lower visor on <helmet>' to move it.

I'm not sure I updated all occurrences, so if you find one of these that does not have a...

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The Money Programme, posted on Wed Sep 25 05:31:01 2019
Posted by: Presto
Category: General
The 'rate' command now has an option to let you see how much the value of your money will be affected by the fee at a money changer. See 'help rate' for details.



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