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Festive Frolicks Are For Life, Not Just For Hogswatch, posted on Mon Dec 19 20:32:22 2022 | Posted by: Evensong | Category: Am (domain pages) and Guilds | Anticipating an influx of Holiday weddings the Guild of Fools and Joculators have revamped their Chapel of Fun. Brother Whopply has been subjected to all the puns from the talker during the last couple of months whilst being beaten with an assortment of bladders and has agreed to perform marriages if only he doesn't have to listen to any more puns.
Furniture has been rearranged, ancient artifacts have been restored and they've even put fresh hay down on the floor. Head on over (with or without a potential spouse) to have a look and get into the Hogswatch spirit by Acting the Fool! |
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