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Soul Help


Allowed command patterns:
timewarp <string> [at] <indirect:any-living>
timewarp [at] <indirect:any-living> <string>
timewarp [at] <indirect:any-living>
timewarp <string>
Has a no arguments mode.
You do the Time Warp.
Roselyn does the Time Warp.
For the arguments:
[again, with a jump to the left, with a step to the right, with your hands on your hips, with your knees in tight, with a pelvic thrust, in tap shoes, with a red feather boa, with an axe, in a freezer, in an elevator, on the table, in the floorshow in a strange house, in the middle of the night, in a late-night double feature picture show, in the velvet darkness of the blackest night, in another dimension, with voyeuristic intention, by the light of the night, #]
You do the Time Warp again.
Roselyn does the Time Warp again.
Has a no arguments, targeted mode.
You do the Time Warp with Womble and Cabbage.
Roselyn does the Time Warp with you.
Roselyn does the Time Warp with Womble and Cabbage.
For the arguments:
[again, with a jump to the left, with a step to the right, with your hands on your hips, with your knees in tight, with a pelvic thrust, in tap shoes, with a red feather boa, with an axe, in a freezer, in an elevator, on the table, in the floorshow in a strange house, in the middle of the night, in a late-night double feature picture show, in the velvet darkness of the blackest night, in another dimension, with voyeuristic intention, by the light of the night, #]
You do the Time Warp with Womble and Cabbage again.
Roselyn does the Time Warp with you again.
Roselyn does the Time Warp with Womble and Cabbage again.