who won?

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Best NPC
RankNameNumber of votes
3rdGranny weatherwax22
4thLanfear and Death18
10thNanny ogg12
12thTaffyd and Repurg9
14thRed scharron, Basilisk, Cimbar and Hermit8
18thHin-lop-heds, Lag and Granny7
21stGreebo, Misty, Anavrin, Pandora wibbletoe, Sebboh, Mihk and Dickens6
28thVairre, Euq and Harry5
31stMartha headlock, Mericet, Florette, Mihk-gran-bohp, Dogbolter, Rat and Ralph4
38thWozza, Belcar, Pin & tulip, The lag, Captain carrot, Ralph womblefluff, Clarence d'qta, Sokkard, Fujiyama osanawa, Mrs shuffle, Althea, Heric and Sol3
51stHerrena, Rodan, Not soxy, Achmed, Pewsey, Womble, Cabbage, Sphinx cub, Pepsi, Detritus, Nobby, Shifty jim, Dickens of pishe, Mota, Bertha, Twoflower, Not that goddamn mime, Smiling achmed, Mime artist, Kernab, Mr. pin/mr. tulip, Hlakket, Chugabolt and Librarian2
75thSacrifical virgin, Sadistic git, Pin, Louis, Mr. tulip, Brother david, The hostess, Mesa, Pin &tulip, Daphne, Shalimar, Lip-lap, Drakkos, Gath, Danlin, Esme, Juggler, Catapilar, Kess , James kool polk , Presto, Ghost in the mansion, The sphinx, C.m.o.t. dibbler, Ceremonial guard, Beggars, Mr ralph womblefluff, Ray, 200 login cat, Handmaiden, Kamunra - the dark, C.m.o.t dibbler, Customs troll, Paranoid engineer, Scorpion, The librarian, Dwmmigh, Lecturer in recent runes, Iceman, Mikh-gran-bohp, Tape, Mr tulip, Post office frog, frog, froggities!, The customs troll, Freaky kept, Sneed finkman, Dark-haired young woman, Which ever gives the most money?, Pinkfish, Prostitutes, Heric , The tarnach's staff, Kess of sek, Castar, Bravd the hublander, Adnew, Clarance, Kernab ;), Anna-lee, Mad gammar nudity, Althea of pishe, Sokard, Cohen the barbarian, A'tuin, Mad gammer nudity, Kordane, Frog, Tomas, Kili, Mr. d'abdry, Clarence d' qta, Duckman, Lance constable bauxite, Old bob, Chimera, Jak, Carnelia palm, Cockroach, Mr pin and mr tulip, Iron golem, Mercury, Pin and tulip , Draganblade, Jim, Muffled lemon, Chief commander, Giant leader, Mr ralph, The little gnome in skund ('specially pickled), Pin&tulip, Nella, Temple guardian, Giant spider, Mesa boogie, Clarence de q'ta, The scruffy kid, Veasel, Freakykept, Stargazer and Allana1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Best Name
RankNameNumber of votes
3rdPinkfish and Zenedra17
6thAstrogherkin and Ragn11
9thKeiretsu, Mynx and Dogbolter9
12thAtalanta de plainswalker8
13thVermillion and Soxy7
16thShalimar, Lataub and Quece5
19thCrush, Jowy, Candlewhiff, Hedge, Dahlia, Jiffy, Dasquian, Kismias, Dragonkin, Cargobroom, Assy and Dawn4
31stArcane, Seraphim, Chastity the seamstress, Lanfear, Rywfol, Liquidsheep, Dlsss, Hurukan, Lucky, Vygotsk, Moody blues, Ironpants, Oaf, Tezcatlipoca, Ximthea, Glarf, Foobar, Eight and Puckhades3
50thNot soxy, Ellaron, Blackheart lightbringer, Soyunarana, Quatrocentro, Scarlett, Cavrone, Edgecrusher, Dagdog, Catstapler, Wix, Guysmiley, Sharp, Thunderpants, Pyro, Blackheart, Shatterhand, Phy d'arson, Mental, Kthala, Jooky, Rauna, Wyrd, Snowpaw, Donky, Emknaps, Salira, Tasslehof, Mine, Janus, Tulip, Wamba, Archangel d'plainstalker, Hymerkin and Kitiana2
85thQuala, Latazum, Foxhound, Aalizjaine, Ian, Curious, Hooters, Yourself, Starcrystal, Bibble, Kodachi, Salvatori, Bahumatzero, Endeavour, Axa, Dcdhol, Mubavluv, Greebo, Uriko, Skipper wossname, Ferago, Carrot, Tbone, Kieretsu, Quistis, Silverfox, Wyvyrn, James kool polk , Dipp, Sekiri, Lip-bat-da-do-wop-da-wap-bam-boo, Magpie, Thunderlipps, Reboot, Pennywise, Sasquatch, Illusion, Groundzero, Oops, Dingleberry, Reflex, Leela, Shalla, Slubbert, Kaili, Wombatking, Hin-lop-heds, Guybrush, Salmon illa, Hinge, Tzeentch, Padre, Kamunra - the dark, Moondancer, Saist, Krillin, Agatha, Floyd, Genesis, Bundar, Abbadon, Iceman, None, Fortesque, Phatcows, Tesla, Tasslehoff, Porkhunt, Commando, Soxy in nice soxys, Spineshank, Pendragon, Ailec, Daggie, Bathoffina, Tirion, Elixa, Haplo, Zoro, Ergen, Hamsterjam, Lufa soulfire, Talge, Cain, Castar, Takofreakgod, Dangermouse, Nabber, Samalander, Emerald, Lucifer, Ibblek, Irony, Wobble, Enigma, Nif, Avonlea, Hufte, Burningsouls, Bugman, Psychogherkin, Piffle, Xena, Astropickle, Venini, Insidius, Alisha, Kartoffel, Spacecowboy, Talison, Nivea, Sygon, Splatman, Midnite, Dionysus, Moody, Jiffy extra creamy, Crilith, Ironchef, Pncessamy, Baaaaaa, Djenni, Llearch n'd'corna, Footos, Sisqo, Octoprie, Thoin, Alumwhistle, Terrysalt, Pariah, Sugi, Soxy in nice socks, Linden soulfire, Kiaril, Frogowar, Hawkeye, Bartok, Sqeal, Habot, Baxaxa, Ashnod al'thor, Jhn, Klaus, Pyretic , Gargle, Shiva, Quatrocento, Ithaqua, Sibyl, Tilly, Strider, Lip-lap-a-doo-wop-a-lop-bam-boom, Xrazzicaz, Synnove, Marrabone, Mcchicken, Dart, Lexx, Ami =p, Sazzer, Lagger, Carmine sanguina, Chowmein, Damainbraged and Sigsegv1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Best Playtester
RankNameNumber of votes
7thAnavrin, Shalimar, Pepsi and Primus16
12thArchangel and Lobo10
14thYukk and Karek9
16thDed and Hufte7
18thAlumwhistle and Candlewhiff5
20thEmily and Poggin4
22ndGriffin and Talge3
24thRistic, Candyman, Crispian, Fortesque, Dryade, Chugabolt, Lydia and Jasmin2
32ndCastar, Kamunra - the dark, Siren, No idea, Curious, Me, Ukko, Rondros, Ibleek, Sqeal, Dogbolter, Brihgid, Dlss, Thirsha, Telerie, Wyvyrn, James kool polk , Scarlett, Newbies, Harbinger, Belcar, Pinkfish, Turrican, Myre, Blackheart, Soxy, Umm and Dunno1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Best Roleplayer
RankNameNumber of votes
3rdAalizjiane and Djenni21
7thDcdhol, Xianpu and Ocdt10
11thShalimar, Uriko, Lanfear and Stynk7
15thJeanie and Bremen6
17thHinge, Megarodan, Dryade, Ibblek and Soxy5
22ndWobin, Raenne and Ripclaw4
25thEllaron, Mimer, Pepsi, Glennridge, Clingwrappe, Helena, Lycius, Haplo, Brighid, Myre, Ivy, Peace, Taepha, Humphry, Sentauri, Craggor, Maya, Jhn, Chugabolt and Potshot3
45thVermillion, Bahumatzero, Drakkos, Sharp, The floyd's bar group, Tirion, Cohen the barbarian, Jessi, Alumwhistle, Dirk and Dunno2
56thUm....., Siren, Foxhound, Curious, Blister, Who cares?, Griffen, Liceas, ??, The ghost of humpry, Jay, James kool polk , Cavrone, Shara, Belcar, Grandolf, Bakhtosh, Taffyd, Tannah, Candlewhiff, Lufa, Kamunra - the dark, Wintergreen, Fixxxer, Aragon, Kiersten, Me, Fortesque, Brindle, Maron, Roleplaying? here? ha!, Loonygoose, Endairon, Pinkfish, Pica, Ylena, Harle, Eldric, Lobo, Grimwulf, Leeda, Castar, Yves, Takofreakgod, Ristic, Vega, Griffon, Hurukan, Emerald, Siel, Wodantest, Eben, Wobble, The guy over there, Jiffy, Turvity, Bugman, Kili, Xena, Dasquian, Mordred, Talen, Aalizijane, Shumira, Hadaka, Alizijiane, Atalanta, Pfft, Dragonkin, Salira, Sunflower, Kalister, Mortdred, Thoin, Pariah, Sugi, Que, Slabitha, Sqeal, Bartok, Dogbolter, Thalasso, Grins, Ashnod al'thor, Janus playing an idiot, Giffin, Melchior, Ariennetest, Stargazer and Mousse1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Best Soul
RankNameNumber of votes
5thAalizjiane and Amazon18
11thSmooch, Boingy, Huggle and Wish9
15thFlollop and Snuggle8
17thSpank, Fonz and Whap7
20thOok, French, Wibble, Grin, Fluff, Bingle and Snog6
27thCanoodle, Bird and Leer5
30thHump, Sparkle, Nuzzle, Tango, Dasquian, Tweak and Dogbolter4
37thGrump, Bounce, Bah, Wiggle, James, Rtfm, Indian, Caper, Frog, Sburn, Smear, Phbt, Meow, Eye, Award and Puckhades3
53rdWuffle, Ellaron, Streak, Tm, Felch, Timewarp, Aria, Umm, Twirl, Shoot, Sharp, Loom, Dunno?, Pounce, Hop, Purrr, Bingle like a crazed taxi driver on cocaine, Shine, Win, Yulil, Haunt, Cuddle, Mynx, Chiko, Thwok, Eek, Grope, Mlove, Huggles, Gnaw, Hug, Chugabolt, Handcuff and Peep2
87thCrowd, Siren, Emote, Foxhound, Bite, Nibble, Shalimar, Spam, spam, spam, spam, bounce, spam, spam and spam, Woo, Purr, Filch, Wyvyrn, James kool polk , Flutter, Argle, Shara, Flirt, Anything in 'elephant ', Wubbie, Rowr2, Twinkle, Parp, Aalizijiane, Wuzzle, Kamunra - the dark, Snarf, Beep, Frolic, Brindle, Suck lawnmower, Kaea, Bird , Dribble, Bogor, Batlin, Dryade, Flimble, Salute, F, Poofie, Pinkfish, Jump, Frog?, Damn, Ram, Spy on despite the tinfoil hat, Gnaaah, Slobber, Castar, Yves, Remote, Snigger, Sgo, Whine, Throw, Wobble, Accuse, Hum, Cover, Mowr, Foo, Threaten, Vashti, Kiss, Rheanna, Puke, Srowr, Moon, Arf, Ruka, Yodel, Stroke, Challenge, Anything in 'elephant', Headbutt, Ooeeoo, Say, Bartok, Furbert, Zip, Snewbie, Smirk, Cheese, Czot, Tasselhoff, Moo, Cupcake, Lean, Wishes, The wormlike one, Polka, Wedgie, Ripclaw, Tip, Dunno, Zonk and Drool1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Biggest Mischatter
RankNameNumber of votes
3rdMordred and Haha11
5thSiren and Kitiana10
7thTemptress and Melian9
9thMental and Glennridge8
12thUriko, All_mischatters_are_liars and Pncessamy6
15thClarence, Pennywise, Reflex and Me5
19thLucky and Puckhades4
21stJin, Pepsi, Lydia, Spacecowgirl, Dasquian, Shara, Splatman, Hinge, Janus, Roseroar, Clarence (mischats onto thieves all the time, he needs to find a channel where someone gives a sh*t ;-) ) and Pyro3
33rdMr. tulip, Maelin, Ellaron, Jiffy, Laurana, Sightblinder, Sugi, Ximthea, Riverwind, Dogbolter, Chugabolt, Philbert, Not triana, Lexx, Noung and Dunno2
49thLeeda, Castar, Thraq, Sigmar, Not soxy, Mynx, Who cares, Midian, Bcoyote, Haloj, Chastity, Ibblek, Shalimar, Lanfear - on purpose, Filey, Noda, Freakchylde, Awful, Reure, Niiai, Hufte, Anyone, Fuce, Cheesegod, Quatrocentro, James kool polk , Baiton, Sonny, Tell ingtar do me baby!, Ruthe, Phoebe, Taffyd, Ranee, Ironpants, Morderd, Heh.....erm...., Whats that then?, Newbies!, Salira, Kamunra - the dark, Wix, Erm, Fugg, Maelin delacroix, Notagn, Mercury, Abbadon, All drunks:), Oaf, Orchid, Xellos, Sharp, None, Kiersten, Tasslehoff, Warblade, Tulip, Rue, Aalizjiane, Bartok, Malcom, Seiben, Loonygoose, Noone as of late =p, Smogo, Solace, Dasqiuan, Blah, Pinkfish, Pica, It's all an act, Laenie, Sayukri, Turrican and Mactruck1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Board Addicted
RankNameNumber of votes
6thPresto and Lanfear16
8thHurukan and Baines15
13thMe, Jhn/curious and Protag4
16thVermillion, Arcane, Scotch, Pepsi, Splatman, Thoin and Chowmein3
23rdEllaron, Anni, Kodachi, Uriko, Tomas, Dasquian, All those tarnachians, Neves, Jobob, Sharp, Aalizjiane, Dogbolter, Curious/jhn, Dlsss, Creators, Eldric, Saffra, Talge and Dunno2
42ndCastar, Curiousjhn, Aurelia, Ian, Mellandrin, Shalimar, Axa, ??, -, Pogos, Jiffy, Tricky, Awful, Sandoz, Bugman, James kool polk , Mordred, Neves!, Vashti, Rukh, Larrisa, Taffyd, Lufa, Bambi, Demonseed, Voice of pishe, Hinge, Kamunra - the dark, Pickwick, Niagra, Orchid, Rhinehold_the_republican, Cold, Bogor, Batlin, All the bloody creators with their unlmited posts =), Souzanne, Kitiana, Rune, Helena, Pinkfish, Jagdtiger, The voice of pishe, Tannoth, The voice of saying that _another_ hp has died., Shatterhand and Noung1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Assassin
RankNameNumber of votes
9thScorn, Pepsi and Kitsune11
12thElaith and Skyhigh10
15thPetra shivan7
17thStaria and Pon5
19thMsmallory, Wyvyrn, Insidius, Neves, Jasmin, Dalium, Ophelia, Shuriken, Ailec, Tirion and Shatterhand4
30thDcdhol, Aerl, Azraphael, Shrike, Chugabolt and Peace3
36thHunta, Fayte, Limm, Drdeadly, Cimbar, My book alt, Tzeentch, Kara, Love, Abbadon, Spindle, Sharp, Nicety, Kiersten, Whoops and Mousse2
52ndCastar, Ivy d'lonely, Kayama, Ninbau, Quane, Ire, Hidden, Gilfaim, Nony, Shalimar, Rumatha, Mig, Gadwin, Catgirl, I hate them all :), Freakchylde, Aphrodite, Ohdamn, Tricky, Eggjon, Downy, Raeden, Tomas, James kool polk , Cord, Dasquian, A dead one, Sophia, Brandenburg, Orla, Fingolfin, Ranee, Atalanta, Ntannoth, Lolita, Lufa, Rip, Kamunra - the dark, Zedekiah, Snorry, Sightblinder, None, Iceman, Venger, Toushin, Hiroaki, Tigga, Me, Denis, ?, Khanjar, Ivy!, Lazerfx, Neves(myself), Soxy in nice soxys, Janerio, Jhn, Loonygoose, Pip, Doomsoul, Telerie, Any keiretsu, Arran, Please explain this concept, Queakyen, Cain, All of them and Khan1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Priest
RankNameNumber of votes
6thBambi and Wishes21
11thJeanie and Cuvian11
13thPica and Tybalt10
16thOzzy, Niobe and Sonia7
19thLatazum, Lassan, Volen, Jhn and Dawn6
24thSpacecowgirl, Seima, Kaea and Cvet5
28thAxa, Silverfalcon, Padre, Souzanne, Orla nightshayde, Acim and Primus4
35thPoptot, Brindle, Spineshank, Warrax, Talis, Elixa, Ocdt, Kissaki, Mental, Sailorpluto, Spacecowboy, Thalasso and Foobar3
48thHagi, Curious, Galan, Malic, Tarzan, Abbadon, Hazard, Laiyna, Penge, Commando, Fizban, Avatar, Skimbleshanx, Delta, Zeeblee, Filey, Sampedro, Mansarde, Eternal, Nivea, Dragin, Chugabolt, Goo and Stargazer2
72ndSpunky, Shahla, Sigmar, Soveregin, Seima densetsu, Balwog, Boer, Me!, Shalimar, Soyunarana, Qud, Bluefoot, Fragile, Jay, Pepsi, James kool polk , Lanfear, Moloch, Laalaa, Orla, Chelin, Sooshio, Shalla, Etsuko, Kamunra - the dark, Oyiker, Peregrine, Souzanne y cellyn, None, Tiara, Me, Procyon, Klay, Saibot, Pigsy, Cyps, Cadderly, Iii, Delta the froglok, Sakijima, Puckhades aroha, Grimwulf, Castar, Yves, Loveofpishe, Mellandrin, Bungee, Om, Iphal, Lenja, Skylarker, Peter, Ladyhawk, Tomas, Nyanjen, Xingsus, Victory, Strychnine, Esper, Arianrhod, Sailormoon, Romana, Kosh, Soothsayer, Mephiston, Slightly moist, Sam pedro, Wogen and Poggin1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Thief
RankNameNumber of votes
9thDantheman and Melian11
13thMidian, Silverfox and Clarence8
16thMatrim and Nabber7
18thQuala, Irony and Emily6
21stMay, Numia, Cold and Sonny5
25thBahumatzero, Atreyu, Tasslehof and Bartok4
29thMonet, Jowy, Mimer, Reveng, Venger, None, Pyro, Vagabundo, Snowpaw, Tomas, Any dead one, Gorefest, Runner, Wamba and Ardan3
44thKendal, Ming, Ferago, Jaz, Pogos, Eboin, Shara, Zimp, Swashblade, Abbadon, Happosai, Lupus, Clarence d'qta, Kula, Hidden, Pyretic, Ossuary, Embee, Sapphire, Chugabolt, Jinx and Stargazer2
66thFingil, Avenga, Foxhound, George bush, Crazyman, Shalimar, Shiznit, Terano, Yojimbo, Hayt, James kool polk , Lanfear, Nearby, The ghost of, Wiggy, Jander, Bergel, Illusori, Kamunra - the dark, Yeah, right :-), Zedekiah, Gaai, Mred, Druvo, Shale, Me, Kiersten, Fright, Jookie, Mackdaddy, Nighstalker, Beukert, Starviper, Gravdal, Jiffy/selena, Skyhigh, Eldric, Gwlad, Dead_feefs_is_best_feefs, All of them, Castar, Piero, Another dead one, Jimmmy, Clarance, Coca, Rudolf, {empty space}, Moody blues, Flatline, Fief, Tatsthief, Jiffy extra creamy, Rheanna, Crilith, Kreed , Tezcatlipoca, Nee, Coaldust, Fey, Mentalist, Janus, Jhn, Mez, Inplarp, Orsk, Any dead, Kitiana, Flinch, Bathoff, Not pepsi and Nightstalker1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Warrior
RankNameNumber of votes
7thGlennridge and Mynx12
10thSilvara and Archangel10
12thRondros, Shara and Mad9
15thLataub and Ripclaw8
17thCrush, Shalimar, Taboo and Soetkin7
21stCavrone, Orphan, Lobo, Lydia, Mercury and Stargazer6
27thBalwog, Cuchulainn, Madison, Floyd, Fixxxer, Tribalsun, Talge, Elessar and Jhn5
36thBroadman, Jin, Rauna, Xena and Harlequinn4
41stPepsi, Jorko, Templisk, Bundar, Telerie, Jakka, Crisis, Emerald, Heineken, Klahn and Grins3
52ndCandyman, Cohen, Deneen, Sasquatch, Criffs, Simaralian, Abbadon, Lakitu, Raider, Harbinger, Kallasin, Bolt, Dangermouse, Sirlouis, Ironpants, Warhero, Makenden, Fraze, Habot, Raichu, Jude and Vitae2
74thGumshoe, Kodachi, Magron, Kror, Beeblebrox, Reure, Fitzghon, James kool polk , Nate, Emerald soulfire, Ftunch, Reix, Ethane, Bearclaw, Wombatking, Hin-lop-heds, Sleeter, Tachion, Kamunra - the dark, Fugg, Jobob, Me, Leelo, Rake, Anezka, Lanara, Aalizjiane, Kesric, Dlsss, Xianpu, Lannie, Endairon, Birdy, Leto, Dameon, Shatterhand, Elbor, Mactruck, Castar, Takofreakgod, Meer, Mental, Jooky, Calypso, Chastity, Eben, Enigma, Tanyc, Barbarian, Tomas, Ur, Choppa, Wildchild, Marijuana, Splatman, Pncessamy, Dragonkin, Rainbow, Keldar, Firehawk, Munse, Rumour, Assy, Aab, Marabone, Sassy, Darien, That one with the axe, you know, Kitiana, Rudolph, Mcnasty and Synnove1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Witch
RankNameNumber of votes
5thSugi and Helena18
9thSalira and Quece13
11thMoondancer and Ariholwen12
13thHufte and Atalanta9
15thElvwitch, Thalia and Sentauri8
18thDjan, Winnie and Stargazer7
21stLucky, Siel, Agatha and Igraine6
25thAstra, Wintergreen, Jendra, Gunnlag, Hermathya, Bathoffina, Dahlia and Anya5
33rdAstrogherkin, Turvity, Anke, Augusta and Tilly4
38thMagpie, Vairre, Tannah, Asherah, Katya, Shakti, Minori, Chouette and Granny3
47thKea, Eleestra, Fizwort, Thirsha, Daine, Arienne, Celine, Phoebe, Wenda, Abbadon, Que, Jaded, Jhn, Chugabolt, Veralee, Sally and Myre2
64thCastar, Taepha, Flurble, Talea, Acena, Lene, Skyfire, Glittery, Missed, Feanish, Blister, Dishrag, Shalimar, All of them - even if they do try to eat me, Nifty, Eshke, Emble, Psory, Tomas, James kool polk , Lota, Gurmudja, Kyr, Kamunra - the dark, Aalisjiane, Sunflower, Me, Sioned, Shota, Mikasa moonbeam, The one with the small feet, Mikasa, All of em, Sybil, Winni, Sera, Wishes and Sooty1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Favourite Wizard
RankNameNumber of votes
10thParanoia, Batlin, Haplo and Chugabolt10
14thEllaron, Scotch, Sandoz, Sekiri and Phy9
19thCrispian, Oberon, Belcar, Harry potter and Bfg8
24thJames, Fortesque and Talen7
27thCandlewhiff, Astrald, Hedge, Medusa, Dionysus and Belairk6
33rdAragon, Erin and Wirble5
36thArcane, Blackheart, Temptress, Noda, Alumwhistle, Tao, Griffin and Glarf4
44thTesla, Castar, Ristic, Nif, Bugger 'em all!, Pickwick, Polymorph and Zenedra moonbeam3
52ndMier, Pennywise, Ruthe, Aria, Catscradle, Zizzle, Abbadon, Bobo, Bremen, Skorn, Templeball, Falkentyne, Baines, Shin, Modare, Yosh, Pariah and Nekkrist2
70thBiggles the flying rabbit!, Starr, Korda, Shalimar, None of them, godless tinkerers, Pepsi, James kool polk , Zagor, Dagdog, Edin, Caelestin, Brunswick, Kamunra - the dark, Menthol, Bluebeard, Me, Mulch, Drunk student, Aalizjiane, Aiwendil, Maderty, Torche, Sayukri, Noung, Lycicn, Eagleheart, Grim, Clemmy, Candlewith, Ochrion, Asus, Terry, Vetch, Didingreen, Not tomas for this one, Any dead one, A dead one, Numair, Exoss, Radagast, Emknaps, Aligma, The most sober?, Stagazer, Draganblade, Ricky, Forlor, Cmetpb, Cmeptb, Hawkeye, Nevermind, Phiz, Ashnod al'thor, Corrin, Anton, Gargle, Jib, Melchior, Vobian, Cartiphylus, Dead one, Defknight, Galis, Sazzer and Pickwick or sandoz1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - In Need of a Clue
RankNameNumber of votes
7thPickwick and Mercury13
10thIvy and Sonny8
13thMaelin, Twiggy, Mental and Dogbolter6
17thIan, Lanfear, Nate and Me5
21stCres, Axa, Shrike, Smogo, Dahlia, Fuce, Que, Jhn, Chugabolt and Chowmein4
31stUriko, Carrot, Ohdamn, Newbies, Zoro, Peace, Mynx, Lucky, Emerald and Maya3
41stShenlong, Haloj, Admin, Pepsi, Wizzy, Pennywise, Laurana, Dlsss, Pinkfish, Eldric, Rhinehold/presto/shrike/etc., Protos, Kreed, Ratman, Tomas, Volen, Hurcle, Arienne, Dasquian, Protag and Wirble2
62ndMe (haloj, Anfurial, Oliverpizer, Seraphim, Natasia, Shalimar, Terano, James kool polk , Presto, Me?, Inune, Flutter, Wagloom, Taffyd, Anfurial , Dagdog, Ntannoth, Dogbolter ;), Kalani, Jabba, Hinge, Yamatoishida, Kagero, Newbies!, Kamunra - the dark, Jobob, "spare a royal?" newbies, Iceman, Braindeed, Dargfeline, Jengrel, Sloth, Larissa, Footyhead/welk/inune/bong/vipper, Bobo, Jeff, Batlin, Klay, Dryade, Torche, Ailec, Xianpu, Harbinger, Bilbobaggins, Kaylabadayla (guest), Ele, Me!!, Mojojojo, Everyone:), Pthag, Danni, Sharp delacroix, Noung, Svithiod, Castar, Taepha, Endarion, Nabber, Me (tomas), Mudstone, Greco, go baby go!, Humhry, Skylarker, "enchant 4 me i have no money", Gohan, Russo, Dcoyote, Dafatman, Hace, Bugman, Archangel, Baiton, Nala, Sophia, Yarp, Oben, Angstrom, Pishe, Shroy, Pncessamy, Crilith, Servolisk, Smite, Notagn, Footos, Sisqo, Chowmain, Ximthea, Huizinger family, Hawkeye, Bartok, Sqeal, Thalasso, Dakar, Lein, Kitiana, Warman, Glarf, Sazzer, Dunno and Lionel blair1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Least Popular Player
RankNameNumber of votes
9thLanfear, Inune and Bambi8
12thSonny and Tannoth7
14thFuce, Twiggy, Metallika and Mikasa6
18thIan, Thalasso and Pyro5
21stArchangel and Frenzal4
23rdNabber, Pogos, Dagdog, Braindeed, Larissa, Lad, Zoro, Pks and Shatterhand3
32ndMaelin, Kreed, Mynx, Ferago, Sieben, Hurcle, Still has to log in, Archangle, Me, Cold, Dogbolter, Shrike, Fordy, Chugabolt, Huizinger's, Kitiana, Duddley, Skyhigh and Crisis2
51stCastar, Anfurial, Endarion, Mental, Sigmar, Lag, Desty, Kill some wolves for me?, Maim, Matalika, Chastity, Eben, Shalimar, Russo, Waterlion, Ohdamn, Tricky, Jiffy, Ochrion, Elaith, Unknown object, James kool polk , Newbies, Templisk, Nate, Spacecowgirl, Frogggy, Pyretic, Anfurial , Laurana, Satan, Sooshio, Minion, Ntannoth, Pishe, Michael, I could put several..., Hinge, Jabba, Yamatoishida, Theido, Kamunra - the dark, Wintergreen, Love, Abbadon, Fracus, Krogon, Venger, Que, Never met him/her/it, Megarodan, Blind, Sqeal, Oppomo, Bobo, Anton, Ian when on talker, Heric, Xaero, Pyros, Glarf, Anyone pk:), Cheatdust, Muggs, Fiend, Eldric, Rhinehold/presto/shrike/etc., Dart, Tamalak, Zenedra, Ceres, Banished and Chowmein1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Admired Creator
RankNameNumber of votes
11thEboin and Laurana12
13thSiel and Que10
15thArchana, Mansarde and Jaxom9
19thDek, Rhinehold and Bathoff7
22ndDasquian, Dragonkin and Zoro6
25thTerano, Illusion and Noung5
28thCurious, Sojan, Magpie, Sasquatch, Saist and Oaf4
34thAwful, Presto, *snigger*, Carmine and Peace3
39thSousjagne, Lanfear, Arienne, Amyrlin, Ranee, Shalla, Harri, Rue, Mikasa, Chugabolt, Turrican and Allana2
51stCastar, Alanna, Pinkfish, all others, Shalimar, Dasqian, Wiiiix! (not rreally. :p), Ferago, Lana, Turvity, Ariadne, Hobbes, Obilix, James kool polk , Kili, Choppa, Donky, Templisk, Zagor, Twiggy, Wobin, Lemming, Rodion , Wenda, Aragorn, Kamunra - the dark, Iceman, Scatter, Ryoga, Shining, Morgoth, There is one?, Taffyd *mwah*, Tilly, Eight, Nofear, Lorax, Cruel and Raffi1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Feared Creator
RankNameNumber of votes
8thDrakkos and Shrike12
11thEboin and Peace10
16thRhinehold, Nevvyn, Illusion and Raffi5
20th*snigger* and Zoro4
22ndWyvyrn, Lanfear, Dasquian, Templisk, Zagor, Turrican and Akira3
29thDek, Ferago, Obilix, Arienne, Rodion, Oaf, Roidon, None, Mikasa and Chugabolt2
39thCastar, Sousjagne, Defiler, Mellandrin, Alanna, Cres, Feared? rofl! as if. :p, Shalimar, Dogbolter and 'is meteors!, Mansarde, Gruper, Pepsi, James kool polk , Kili, Presto, Oh'damn, Feared? you gotta be joking, Wobin, Jennifer aniston, Rodion , Ranee, Nyvven, No_reason_to_fear_creators, Dragonkin, Kamunra - the dark, Saist, Cresg, None their all cuddly, N/a, Me, Sin, Oh damn, Bah. big puddy cats., Carmine, Warrax, Deutha, Noung (leetle fluffy thing that he is), Bathoff :p, Jhvh-1, Allana, Noung and Fro1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Feared PK
RankNameNumber of votes
5thPickwick and Soxy8
7thKreed, Jakka and Desparil7
10thCrush, Ian, Seraphim, Klaus, Dlsss and Kitsune6
16thMynx, Arcane, Loonygoose and They're all so cute!5
20thMercury, None, Xianpu, Pyro and Chowmein4
25thScorn, Eben, The ghost of humphry, Jiffy, Aalizjiane, Dogbolter, Mad and Kitiana3
33rdTakofreakgod, Shalimar, Fuce, Venger and Commando2
38thCastar, Quala, Fear of a game?, Not soxy, Maelin, Balwog, Vermillion, Feanish, Chowmein - hahaha, that's funny!, Palace guard, Yukk, Noone at all, they are all soooo adorable :p, Pogos, Dantheman, Elaith, Lataub, James kool polk , Vygotsk, Scarlett, Dasquian, Any oldbie?:), Pyretic, Shara, Oisin, Basilisk, Anybody with a visions imbue, Talen, Death, Jabba, Viinz, Simaralian, Malic, Kamunra - the dark, Talen the green, Fixxxer, Makenden, Que, Me, Cold, Fortesque, Orphan, Sqeal, Old lady, Soxy (hee, hee), Pendragon, Ailec, Chugabolt, Pica, Fudge, Freyi, Erm noone, they're all puddy cats :), Hah!, Stargazer, Ivy, Lagger, Ceres, Blackheart and All of them1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Helpful Liaison
RankNameNumber of votes
10thSousjagne and Aeson14
13thShalla and Raffi8
16thNevvyn and Chugabolt6
18thAkane and Shining5
20thNumia, Vairre and Tzeentch4
23rdNone, Dogbolter and All of them3
26th*roflmao*, Hufte, Heh, Choppa, Laurana, Hammerhead, Que, Mikasa moonbeam and Solace2
35thCastar, Huh?, Oh damn!, Um....., Yet to meet one, Anni, Wyvrn, Noung (hey, was a liaison part of the year!), Shalimar, Fleetfoot, Sojan, Ohdamm, Mellendrin, Liaisons are helpful?, James kool polk , Magpie, Ha :p, Illusion, Taffyd, Imme, Tannah, Flo, Rodion, No such thing as a helpful liaison, Not zoro, Kamunra - the dark, Saist, Noung (yes i know he's not a liaison anymore, but he was!), Nevvyn , Raenne, Me, Mikass, Loonygoose, All of em, Carmine, Rofl :p, Turrican, Don't exist, Soxy and Eggburger1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Lacking a Sense of Humour
RankNameNumber of votes
8thIvy and Soxy12
12thCarrot, Sonny and Zoro8
17thLaurana and Dogbolter5
19thNevvyn, Bambi, Chugabolt and Creators4
23rdMynx, Terano, Tomas, Presto, Metallika, Jobob and Mercury3
30thNiiai, Newbies, Twiggy, Dagdog, Hin-lop-heds, Rodion, Zedekiah, Ahriman, Mikasa, Deutha, Ariennetest and Chowmein2
42ndCastar, Nabber, Ellaron, Curious, Emerald, Arcane, Priests guild, Shalimar, Filey, Sprylyn, Drakkos, Bluefoot, Lana, Oh, erm, it was one of the cre's.....cant remember now, Tarant, Liaisons ;), Hobbes, Gruper, James kool polk , Oh'damn, Archangel, Jorko, Frogggy, Zagor, Franhk, Taffyd, Death, Ironpants, Primus, Kalry, Kamunra - the dark, Poptot, Notagn, Archangle, Cold, Megarodan, Blind, Sloth, Mordred (when you haven't read the taxi announcement issued ten seconds ago), Esme weatherwax, Warblade, Malcom, Sqeal, Everyone, Silcon, Spineshank, Dlsss, Mad, Grimjack, Saibot, Anyone who thinks tomas doesnt get a joke :(, Kosh, Hahai, Skyhigh, Eldric, Haha, Everyone:), Shatterhand and Merrick & rosso1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Missed
RankNameNumber of votes
5thScarlett and Shalla17
10thTurquoise and Tricky7
12thNot soxy, Belcar and Ariholwen6
15thDipp, Chelle, Larissa, Blake, Yves, Spacecowboy and Aquilo5
22ndMier, Oregano, Carpanag, Lilac, Bingo, Nicety and Sassy4
29thRed scharron, Skink, Lanfear, Jobe, Peski, My social life, Deutha, Spoono, Smite, Coaldust and Mooples3
40thBaaaaaaaa, Algorin, Titania, Rywfol, Lanfear (everytime she's gone for more than a day everyone on the talker complains), Twiggy, Lethal, Ailec, Fizban, Haplo, Erin, Collier, Doctoross, Drizzle, Gerbil, Kartoffel, Karaoke, Pug, Notagn, Craggor, Piecemaker, Sailormoon and Chugabolt2
63rdBalwog, Simidh, Pion, Cujo, Revol, Shalimar, Wodan, Mig, Fizwort, Sugi(my aim with snowballs is terrible), Nimue, Ecion, James kool polk , Sekiri, Lota, Numia, Akasha, Metallica, Topaz, Kodachi kuno, Coggler, Inetheyache, Sleeter, Tzeentch, Caesar, Venger :p, My brains, Kamunra - the dark, Gaai, Metzol, N/a, Gin, Cold, Me, Fialle or shaw, Skypti, Solmu, Satina, The fridge, Wulf and mulana (my ex wives), Avon, Magnus, Fmole, Roseroar, Mia, Tye, Honiton, Bombshell, Pyro, Blarka, Gangplanc, Cadderly, Flame, Sera (who tried to leave, but no one can stay away for long! muahaha!), Kether, Castar, Red scharon, Bungee, Grimlock, Novas, Eleestra, Hidden, Mrblond :p, Not janus, Griffith clwyd, No-one, Lucifer, Skorn, Lelith, Dogbolter (we just never get the aim right), Ringoosu, Chocolate armour, Eggjon, Artimus, Hiro, Grampa, Herro, Othra, Tomas, Terr, Shingo, Taboo, Toaster, Choppa, Nala, Talen, Amiga, Amber, Elgato, Pncessamy, Theido, Skywise, Aligma, Footos, Fialle, Choppy, Thieves... can't hit 'em yet!, Squel, Saturn, Runner, Rue, Hawkeye, Khaavren, Habot, Dogbolter, Soetkin, Tricky ;), Melusine, Rasate, Squeal, Tigergoddess, Bonedancer, Sceanker, Oaf , Tannoth, Yuletide and Dunno1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Most Popular Player
RankNameNumber of votes
2ndDryade and Ximthea26
10thBogor and Atalanta7
12thHurukan and Potshot6
14thSeraphim, Glennridge, Hedge, Mynx, Puckhades and Ripclaw5
20thIan, Megarodan, Batlin, Loonygoose, Dahlia, Not janus, Sqeal, Soxy and Chowmein4
29thNot soxy, Pepsi, Tasslehoff, Spineshank, Solace, Zenedra, Ibblek, Lydia and Mercury3
38thCrush, Ellaron, Dcdhol, Dantheman, Dipp, Dagdog, Saist, Sharp, Braindeed, Me, Kaea, Ailec, Quece, Helena, Ivy, Mental, Rauna, Chastity, Falkentyne, Jiffy, Taboo, Thoin, Tasslehof, Dogbolter, Jhn, Klaus, Chugabolt, Synnove and Wishes2
67thAurelia, Batlin the wanker, Curious, Yuffie, Shalimar, Yukk, Fizwort, Mimer, Silverfox, Wyvyrn, Staria, Lataub, James kool polk , Scarlett, Jorko, Spacecowgirl, Belcar, Ruthe, Kodachi kuno, Criffs, Padre, Malic, Kamunra - the dark, Poptot, Floyd, Jobob, Abbadon, Venger, Iceman, Anavrin, Brindle, Tesla, Lassan, Life, Talis, Petri, Pica, Pinkfish, Bremen, Hamsterjam, Noung, Leeda, Castar, Taepha, Kula, Skyfire, Kreed, Jimmmy, Nony, No-one, they steal my xp =), Alielle, Tomas, Spacecowboy, Definitely not mercury, Niobe, Splatman, Metallika, Dionysus, Jiffy extra creamy, Pncessamy, Victory, Humphry, Salira, Papa, Alumwhistle, Sightblinder, Raenne, Anyone who buys me a beer, Sugi, Someone, Janus, Bartok, Kernab, Habot, Wamba, Polymorph, Bathoff(ina), Nymph and Nickee1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Mud Addicted
RankNameNumber of votes
4thPinkfish and Vashti14
6thBatlin, Mercury and Ximthea9
11thDrakkos, Bogor and Mynx6
14thTerano, Me, Dryade, Eldric, Kreed and Potshot5
20thBraindeed, Dlsss, Xianpu, Hurukan and Puckhades4
25thEllaron, Arcane, Nate, Taffyd, Jobob, Tirion, Mah-dee-son!, Vygotsk, Sugi, Warblade, Dogbolter, Klaus and Chugabolt3
38thHagi, Siren, Seima densetsu, Axa, Wyvyrn, Pennywise, Aria, Hinge, Seima, Abbadon, Sharp, Cold, Everybody, Lassan, Aalizjiane, Everyone, Ailec, Selena, Ocdt, Tomas, Lydia, Dasquian, Splatman, Salira, Pickwick, Raenne, Tasslehof, Bartok, Kitiana, Chowmein and Metropolis2
69thScorn, Foxhound, Balwog, Tomas, till his modem broke :(, Archana, Kodachi, Shalimar, Liceas, Uriko, Yukk, Rhinehold, Dantheman, Dain , Me ;), Jancis, Hobbes, Quatrocentro, James kool polk , Dain, Eboink, Magpie, Flutter, Shara, Sasquatch, Twiggy, Edgecrusher, Spaltman, Laurana, Sooshio, Glennridge, Smonka, Kamunra - the dark, Saist, Smange, Genesis, Venger, Pinkfish - idled for 2 days!, Tasslehoff, Mcduff, Aiwendil, Soxy in nice soxys, Mikasa, Spineshank, Harbinger, Donky - even if he just idles, Sayukri, Talge, Noung, Grimwulf, Leeda, Castar, Haloj (me), Nabber, Jin, Ibblek, Cohen.. he's always on!, Jiffy, Ochrion, Thirsha, Volen, Nyanjen, Yarp, Anka, Moody, Rodion, Notagn, Que, Exote, Sqeal, Thalasso, Jude, Mad, Wirble, Sera and Dunno1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Nicest PK
RankNameNumber of votes
8thKlaus, Xianpu and Chowmein10
11thVermillion, Dcdhol and Elaith9
14thMynx, Seraphim, Silvara, Desparil, Soxy and Kitsune8
20thScorn, Vygotsk and Shara7
23rdShalimar, Dantheman and Ivy6
26thCrush, Cuchulainn, Pepsi and Splatman5
30thThoin and Shuriken4
32ndKreed, Sandoz, Staria, Insidius, Nicety, Janus, Loonygoose, Telerie and Mah-dee-son!3
41stYves, Balwog, Arcane, Yukk, Scotch, Vashti, Karek, Pncessamy, Ophelia, Mercury, Fraze, Que, Riverwind, Ded, Chugabolt, Jakka, Fudge, Tirion and Lobo2
60thCastar, Takofreakgod, Kula, Brother david, Crispian, Emerald, Feanish, Midian, Niagara, Agyt, Florette, Liceas, Althea of pishe, Heineken, The ghost of humphry, Reure, Silverfox, Drdeadly, Limm, Wyvyrn, Lataub, James kool polk , Any newbie?:), Numia, Wildchild, Sonny, Emerald soulfire, Wiggy, Ruthe, What?, Aragorn, Tomas (when he was pk), Simaralian, Kamunra - the dark, Augusta, Moondancer, Pickwick, Seima, Fixxxer, None, Dlsss or soxy, Elessar, Me, Fortesque, Esper, Elvanor, Sioned, The non-pk, Malcom, Commando, Dogbolter, Klay, Kesric, Dirk, Whats pk?, Talis, Selena, Pica, Nymph, Rossi, Vagabundo, Tannoth, Ergen, Blackheart and Talge1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Number Chaser
RankNameNumber of votes
4thShara, Pickwick, Thoin and Bogor11
9thHufte and Taboo8
12thMynx, Potshot, Brighid and Chowmein6
16thKreed and Vygotsk5
18thEmerald, Yukk, Archangel and Puckhades4
22ndWarriors, Fuce, Nate, Aalizjiane, Klaus and Selena3
28thShenlong, Bobpigeon, Shalimar, Anyone with a stat of 23, Hiro, Silvara, Sonny, Aria, Flatline, Splatman, Jobob, Genesis, Tasslehof, Blind, Cmeptb, Dlsss, Warrax, Tirion, Ariennetest, Shatterhand and Volx2
49thCastar, Quala, Hip-lop-heds, Maelin, Jenova, Midian, Violent, Seraphim, Noda, -, Slipstream, The ghost of humphry, Sandoz, Tomas, Pepsi, James kool polk , Paranoia, Jorko, Sephiroth, Pennywise, Unknown, Grandolf, Belcar, Orla, Warrior, Sygon, Anka, Some mathematician, Death, All pks:), Karek, Kamunra - the dark, Tarzan, Poptot, Notagn, Chugabolt , Mercury, Lanfart, Braindeed, Me, Fortesque, Cold, Esper, Ximthea, Rake, Ahriman, Bah!, Fingertip, Avon, Soxy in nice soxys, Batlin, Any wizard, Aurelius, Helena, Everyone ;-(, Eldric, Lexx, Minos .. take a chill pill lad ;) , Poggin, (insert chaser before submit), Dunno, Wagnard and Wool1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Talker Addicted
RankNameNumber of votes
6thLanfear and Dogbolter18
10thQue and Batlin8
14thCommando and Dryade5
16thDrakkos, Wobin and Klahn4
19thClarence, Maelin, Haloj, Niiai, Tomas, Paranoia, Mordred, Hinge, Oaf, Kitiana and Skyhigh3
30thSonyafx, Bahumatzero, Ibblek, Chastity, Limm, Taffyd, Neves, Mercury, Anavrin, Hiroaki, Maya, Everyone, Habot, Dlsss, Blah, Warrax, Helena, Hahai, Ivy and Chowmein2
50thQuala, Castar, Warax, Mr. tulip, Kharn, Hurukan, Curious, The thieve's guild clerk, Shalimar, Bluefoot, Freakchylde, Baines, The ghost of humphry, Jiffy, Mansarde, Wet hens, Pepsi, James kool polk , Presto, Arienne, Jorko, Templisk, Sasquatch, Melian, Basilisk, Vashti, Sophia, Illusion, Conditioner, Illusori, Death, Ironpants, Dalium, Kamunra - the dark, Jobob, Nyx, All drunks:), Newbie, Dobbolter, Sharp, Braindeed, Tasslehof, Me, Chugabold, ?, A lotta ppl, Aalizjiane, Lassan, Tasseloff, Jeff, Mikasa, Loonygoose, Chugabolts, Potshot, Creators, Pon, Eldric, Haha, Tre fou, Dasquin, Captain carrot, Crisis, Peace, Shatterhand, Talge, Dunno and Noung1

Current Discworld Oscars Results - Worst NPC
RankNameNumber of votes
3rdLanfear and Taffyd22
5thBad mime artist17
6thCarrot, Janus and Kernab16
10thLag and Soxy8
12thDogbolter and Polymorph7
15thCockroach, Mime artist and Heric5
18thTerano, Cabbage, Cohen, Hin-lop-heads, Basilisk, Hin-lop-heds, That damn mime and Hufte4
26thNot soxy, Heric whiteblade, Death, The lag, Pinkfish, Clarence d'qta, Clarance, Mihk-gran-bohp, Pishe, Baldwin and Evil troll3
37thKess, The god squad, Thief, Retlobgod, Saist, Thief heavies, Sneed finkman, Captain carrot, Nmad'ho, Mercury, Euq, Mud-crashing infinte-loop sensei, Ned simnel, Hlakket, Rat and Crocs2
53rdHerrena, Troll child, That goddamn mime, Pin, Sillyguy, Anything made by macchirton, Brother david, Ralph the retrosomethingotorther, Wizards, Thella, Clarence d'spamma, Curious, Achmed, Ugly troll, Pewsey, Captain carrot (git), Uu lecturers, Shalimar, The juggler, The bad mime artist, Bad mine, Mansion ghost, Officers, Bloody watch officers, Fairy godmother, Greedy imp, James kool polk , Anything with a scottish accent, That damned newbie-generator, Detritus, Any with fleas on them, Nyvven, Louis bingham, Thieves guild heavie, Nanny ogg, Stealthy thief, Kamunra - the dark, Crocodiles, Cockroach :), Am guards, Watchman, Iceman, Mr/ms twonky, Death!!!, Evil lawyer, Shifty jim, Foul ole ron, Mother-in-law, Suspicious looking men/women, Celery, That bloody mime!, Witchy wizard, Deutha, Klk priests, Any of them who kill me, Helena, Albert, Mr quarny, Ceres, All those damned idiots on the survivor show, and all the dumbasses on big brother, Noung, Castar, Clarence , Theives heavies, Thieves guild enforcers, Suspicious man, Francis and his ukelele of pain, Millie, Lance-constable cryolite, Calvert, Draktest, That bloody dog attatched to my foot, Palace guard, Thieve's guild heavies, Bob, Francis, The ghost of humphry, Jiffy, Cohen the barbarian, Hermit , Tomas, The ghost of humphrey, Duckman, That d**n mime artist, Mrs shuffle, The pt smith, Child, Sygon, Zilator, Sebboh, Mihk, Dwarf warrior, Musician's guild, Dickens, Officer, Crocodile, Ruth skiller, Sphinx, Leslie the pt blacksmith, Pickwick, Notagn, Bad mine artist, The womble, Thief's guild heavies, Yon imp that spams a lot, (insert npc before submit), Tulip, Heavy, Celery appleseed, Old wizard that gives cabbages, Librarian, Clarence d'quota, Venger *coughs*, Herrenna, Stargazer, Thieves guild heavies, Sol, Herenna, Slug, Dwarf warriors, Collector, Nobby nobbs and Mrs cake1